ROTFL...a world conspiracy to keep research centers in line and bully poor Russia! Grow up, bro! Out there are no pure souls; but students always know how to produce a academic verifiable paper and how to share & advertise it. So, far missed this test & I don't give globalresearch a dime as a research center.
Just to let you know, I'm used to know, and work in, a few of them. seems a small bunch of people actually advertising their few books for bucks, the same few books I can find sold for donations at far-right, and far-left too, party financing kiosks near my home. Their website look unprofessional...and show no trace of seminary or webinar with peer-level researchers, professors & pratictionners from both sides. As
Karl Popper once wrote:
whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solve.
Failed logic. The above is the same as saying: "That milkman is trying to sell his milk and his van is not painted in flashy colours, therefore his milk must be sour."
Re-posting this here as well: real reason why the US/NATO/EU countries have boycotted the celebrations in Moscow is, of course, not their very modest contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany, but their unconditional support for Nazi Ukraine: the “country” which considers Stepan Bandera a national hero, the OUN-UPA death squads as a “heroic liberation movement” and the liberation of the Ukraine as a “Soviet occupation”. It is also a fact the the Anglos have always shared these feelings and that had developed several plans for total war against the USSR were considered right at the end of the war which I have already mentioned them in the past:
Plan Totality (1945): earmarked 20 Soviet cities for obliteration in a first strike: Moscow, Gorki, Kuybyshev, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Saratov, Kazan, Leningrad, Baku, Tashkent, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Magnitogorsk, Molotov, Tbilisi, Stalinsk, Grozny, Irkutsk, and Yaroslavl.
Operation Unthinkable (1945) assumed a surprise attack by up to 47 British and American divisions in the area of Dresden, in the middle of Soviet lines.This represented almost a half of roughly 100 divisions (ca. 2.5 million men) available to the British, American and Canadian headquarters at that time. (…) The majority of any offensive operation would have been undertaken by American and British forces, as well as Polish forces and up to 100,000 German Wehrmacht soldiers.
Operation Dropshot (1949): included mission profiles that would have used 300 nuclear bombs and 29,000 high-explosive bombs on 200 targets in 100 cities and towns to wipe out 85% of the Soviet Union’s industrial potential at a single stroke. Between 75 and 100 of the 300 nuclear weapons were targeted to destroy Soviet combat aircraft on the ground.