That's the point of the facemasks, to protect others. That's been known since the beginning. You wear a facemask to protect others from yourself, and in turn others wear facemasks to protect you and others themselves. Then you have a holes who are inconsiderate.
Right, viral airborne particles flouting around are capable to infect a huge number of people. If everyone has seen the results of the experiment carried out by Rich Davis, the the question of whether there is a need to buy a mask would have been cleared by itself.
How can buying and using facemasks won't help you from the coronavirus because every doctor, scientist, nurses, and other people always recommend wearing your facemasks and proper hygiene to protect yourself from the virus. The picture itself is the best proof that wearing facemasks could help you stay away from any illness and diseases.
I think the context of my post is not hard to comprehend for people with common intelligence. If you carefully read it you would noticed both inside text and picture
promote wearing mask. It helps you and your surroundings. Take care of yourself, Kong Hey Pakboy
Wearing a mask is not only dumb. It's stupid. Here's why.
1. Even though a mask might work momentarily, it will fail because nobody will ever wear it properly forever. You'd have to do this to make it effective:
2. Any vaccine that comes out will not be tested properly. It will take well over a year to test it for safety. Are you going to keep wearing a mask like the bubble kid, that long?
3. The mask idea is new, unproven science the way it is being done. But it is being proven to not work. Why isn't it working? Because it cuts down on herd immunity. You want to get immune to the virus, don't you? That means you need to get a touch of it, so your immune system learns what to fight, and figures out a way to fight it.
4. Watch the bunch of videos where Del Bigtree talks to various professionals about masks
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6oOuhSx7ESreh6m9LGy6Q/videos. Go to the site, and search on "mask." There are many short videos that show the silliness, and even the danger, of wearing masks.
5. Unless you get properly tested negative, you probably already have it... Covid-19.