Maybe, just maybe it's that you don't spread
"the disease and toxins that your body expels through your breath" But yeah, I see that's hard to understand when your whole world is focused just on you and you don't care about the people around you.
I think I care more about the population than the monkey face mask wearers. I care that cancer and heart disease patients can't get treatment because the MFMs are prolonging their recovery process. I can about all of the people who are dying because of the stupid lockdown, and the destruction of their employment. I care about the money that is being sent to the evil merchants of death, and isn't being spent on the national infrastructure. I care about the kids who aren't getting a proper education. I care that people are being forced to buy ultra-processed foods to further reduce their immunity strength.
Do you want me to go on?
So you want the hospitals to overflow with new Covid cases? Who's gonna have capacity for cancer patients and other patients who need live saving surgeries? How does wearing a mask destroy any job? Quite the opposite ... it safes jobs because people could start to work earlier when they are cautious. How does wearing a mask have anything to do with how public money is/isn't spend on infrastructure? And again, how does wearing a mask stops kids from getting proper education? Masks could help to open up the schools earlier! And how does wearing a mask effect what kind of junk food people are eating?!
Do you want me to go on?
Your arguments make no sense. I think you are mixing up the lockdown with wearing a mask. If people would wear a mask, wouldn't gather in large groups and would try to keep their distance, the whole thing wouldn't spread that fast. We all agree that we have to prevent another / a longer lookdown because that a) would be economically a disaster b) the social isolation can be horrible for people c) will make a lot of more people lose their jobs. But why can't you see that wearing a mask can help here?
Go on here, and do some real searching on the scientific studies about masks. Science shows that:
1. Masks do little virus good, even when professionals wear and use them properly;
2. When average people wear them, viruses go right through;
3. Masks are dangerous for the wearers from the spread of bacteria inside the masks, and from CO2;
4. Masks cause a breakdown of family togetherness, that should spread among people;
5. If masks happen to slow the pandemic a little, all they are doing is causing longer economic shutdowns so that the economy fails in a greater way than it has already.
Science is against the use of masks.