The most important thing is that Bitcoin should be usable for those that believe and adopt it, as an alternative to the traditional financial system and that is where the ultimate thing lies because Bitcoin adoption is motivated by several things and not everyone is looking for such things and due to the urgency of need not everybody will see bitcoin in the light of what Bitcoin is and stands for.
Is more better for a few percentages of those that believe in Bitcoin to continue to make efforts to building their own financial knowledge and continue to enjoy the alternative financial freedom that Bitcoin brings.
I very much agree with you bud, i believe that it is already a known fact that for anyone to be able to transact in bitcoin successfully without problems, they need at least, a basic level of technical knowledge, with that knowledge, they know how to send, receive coins, and also know how to sell or buy coins, this knowledge will also help them understand how the bitcoin blockchain works, and some of the basic technical things do when they the chain gets clogged, like how to adjust gas fees and so on.
Any body with not enough education, that is someone who can hardly read or write, will sure find using bitcoin for their day to day transactions tedious, expect those who will be willing to take time to learn how to do all of those basic technical stuffs.
So yeah, like the subject title said, not everyone will embrace bitcoin for sure, because of the complexity in it, most especially, our already aged father and mothers, this ones will always prefer to stay with that which they are familiar with, the fiat , but for those that will embrace bitcoin, like you have said , it should be usable for us.