And yes, it do ends up on 1-2 and Entity win and push through next game.. rtz alche and abed's puck didnt able to do something on game 3. Saberlights beastmaster is indeed a beast.
You would definitely freak out if other teams 2 offlaners would pass on you. LOL! Game 3 was too easy for entity or simply doesnt really need soo much effort. Seems like EG gameplay
never gets old.
but still they could make themselves try out for TI qualifiers but it would really be hard.
EG defeat was predictable tho, at least for me, they have been perform poorly in this tournament, since day 1. They keep pushing RTZ to play heroes that he is not comfortable with and end up affecting the whole gameplay since he is the pos 1. And also I think the new offlaner haven't got the good chemistry with the team yet.
There’s a high chance that the majors finals will gonna be China vs China since LGD and Aster still didn’t show any weakness and inconsistencies on there games. Team Aster usually choke on the first day of bracket but this time Monet still performing impressive and can be compared with Ame.
Even though Aster 2-0'd Fnatic they looked a bit shaky on the first game and then quickly crushed the matchup on the second game so I think their next series with Team Spirit might be a toss-up while PSG.LGD has the highest chance of going all the way to the grand finals coming from the upper bracket.
I knew Team Spirit can win but I have high hopes that Outsider can dominate them on this tournament.
I was expecting Team Outsiders to come out on top during that series but Team Spirit got the better draft on the decider game.
After the last two games by Team Spirit when they could beat Navi and Outsiders, I won't be a surprise if Team Spirit can actually win over Aster. Their draft was always on point, and their performance is always consistent and discipline, especially Yatoro, his last play with Terrorblade is quite amazing.