Well,I moved my 4 miners to another PC just to run my Drillbits.I hooked up all USB's,installed Zadig,only 1 installed.I rebooted,reinstalled Zadig,all got installed....BINGO
All are running at 19.3GH approx.(stock speeds,no compile,no batch file....yet)................& NO ZOMBIES
No hub,just enough USB ports for the 4 miners on a 550 watt PSU.FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Barntech!!!!!!!!!!!! I want more ASAP
Sounds good. So you installed drivers for each 8-board one at a time, and it's been stable thus far?
How long have you been running it for?
For my Klondikes,I just had to have one hooked up to USB & install Zadig & it worked for all connected thereafter.
For the Drillbits it seems you need all connected before you install Zadig.
Over an hour & no zombies or errors
I think folks underestimate the power draw on these,just because you have 4-4pin molex's on each cable doesn't mean use em all,split the load between several 4pin molex cables.
I did & it seems to work,I had 1 that zombied out before & had all 4 on 1-4pin molex cable,I split the load between 2 this time
BTW,I REALLY hope lukejr gets BFGminer working soon,please help him in any way you can Barntech,Thanks!!!!