All of the live games is a waste of time and money. The multiplier is randomly generated by computer while the actual live games is actual game. They should make the multiplier generator via live roulette too if they really want to make it fair. DoA is the only live games I really like because it guarantee x20 on each round that gives you room for error on choices or a few return.
Blackjack and Baccarat are the games that is worth playing on evolution because it's just a have a 2 side for the result.
Well if we are playing on an online platform then we have to take many risks. Various casinos are having proper security checks at different levels. For sure, casinos will choose their sponsors and game engines based on their reputation also. Casino has to maintain their reputation which is based on the service providers. Whether it is Love game or slots or any arcade game things will be same on every casinos because the base vendors are same.
If they are giving advantages to the casino then that’s fine. Casino are not made for charity. They are businesses and they need make revenue out of it. Most of the money also goes into marketing, staff salaries, maintaining the entire Website and fixed deposits. So I think that’s all fine.