Do we have some Devtome admins whose job is specifically to help users with technical support issues, or even talk them through things like how to properly format articles, etc.?
I occasionally get asked questions along those lines, and I'm happy to help, but I know my responses aren't in the most timely fashion. It would seem to me that an admin (more than one for sure!) who already spends a lot of time on the forum, reading messages, and so forth, might be better suited to handle new user support requests.
If this is already covered, please post who the admins are so that I can forward on any such requests to them.
Edit: Actually, is there a Devtome page with an updated list of admins and what each one does along with their forum ID? If so, please post this too and let's add it to the writer's guide section. If not, I'll volunteer to write it
I think it's just something all admins do? I get quite a few queries from more than one forum. I'm also cool with helping but that's on top of devtome building up to 30-60 mins per day categorising/filing and article issues. This is way too much and I can't keep doing it, so would appreciate one or more extra admins.
Don't think there's a devtome page, but the account file lists admins.
bit-fxtrader: It rolls, so if your writings weren't included in last round the current one becomes your first with a 50k limit. But the limit is a (pre-rating adjusted) payout limit, not word limit. You can write as much you like, the word rolls carry forward.