If you have an account somewhere for devcoins or a trading account ie cryptsy or vircurex you can create an account and a deposit address...
You first need to buy devcoins by transfering in bitcoins to these exchanges and then buying devcoins for them. Then you can withdraw the coins to your qt wallet address you get in your recieve tab in qt..
You should get them in a few hours tops.
If I shut down the regular-dvcn-app- and start it again, doesn't it also start off counting blocks again at the block# it was at right before it was closed the last time, at least above 127,000, where it's at now ?
"What is the qt-wallet," I noticed it on a download site as a recommended dvcn-app to download while I was looking for the most up to date dvcn-wallet-app.
I ended up downloading and installing this one:
dvcn-exp-w32-stp.exe (dec-2013-bld), which is similar to
Is the qt-wallet the best of the dvcn wallets to download and run ?
Can it take the place of the dvcn-exp-w32,, while also being able to do a whole lot more ?
In order to see what it's all about can I dnld and run the qt-wallet at the same time as the dvcn-exp-w32, Does the qt-wallet use a different UI-window so that both apps can be run at the same time without interfering with eachother ?
Can you help sort this out, I have the standard-dvcn-wallet-app running, I have not downloaded and am not running the qt-wallet.