Edit: Been highlighted to me that the above isn't clear, so I'm talking about 2 steps:
1) Categorising at base of articles e.g. [[Category:Biology]]
2) Actually lisiting those articles (filing) under Most Recent and in the place your category suggests (the Biology page).
If everybody could do this it would save a lot of hassle, and get us closer to having the time to look at devtome presentation/visuals.
I am sorry I have been doing the category at the bottom of the page, but not filing them. Will fix now.
Also, is it ok to add a category to someone else's article if it doesn't have one? I actually did this one day before I realised it might not be cool...(I forgave myself by noting the writer gets better share results if their articles are categorised but still, not sure if I should have and have not since..) are their rules around this?