I would like to claim the following bounty with this article:
http://devtome.com/doku.php?id=investment_plan. If there are no objections, I will receive 12 shares. (Please feel free to go on the article and open a discussion on the talk page about corrections, inaccuracies, and improvements.)
12 shares for the first five investment business plans, and 6 shares for the next five plans. The business plan would have to go on devtome, make sense, and be at least 500 words. The business plan can be about an investment club, investment strategy, speculation strategy, or another other way of making money by investing. It could also be about investing in non cryptocoin assets, like silver or stocks. If someone later makes a publicly traded company from that plan, the writer will get another six shares.
Um, that article doesn't seem to offer people any way to invest in your plan, nor indicate in what way it is a business (who are the customers of the business, how do they buy the service or product).
I think the bounties were not so much about a how to guide to how to invest personally in cryptocurrencies but, rather, about plans for businesses or investment funds or suchlike in which other people could invest or that provide services or goods for other people ("customers").
Spiff up your daytrading plan with some kind of shares people can buy into or something to make is a daytrading business, selling the service of daytrading to people or offering shares people can buy to get a portion of the profits or something and then I'd say okay that seems like a business.
As it is so far it seems more of a guide as to how employees (daytraders) of such a business could go about doing their job than a plan as to how such a business would operate in the sense of how it plans to attract and serve customers and earn hopefully eventually some profit doing so.
Maybe things like how many shares will be issued, how it will wind down being a business and move to being a private investment in the event it makes enough profit to no longer need "other people's money" in order to do its trading, how it will deal with losses, on what latform or by what method it will administrate its shares if it plans to sell shares of itself rather than just sell daytrading-as-a-service...
I have also thought about this kind of business, asking myself whether it is something General FInancial Corp should include among its activities or some new Corp should be launched to do it (General Trading Corp, maybe?) but I am not sure the volume is there, enough volume to be able to work with enough of "other people's money" to be able to pay a reasonable hourly wage to one or more daytraders and still come out ahead aka still either grow the Corp's capital or issue profits as dividends to shareholders.
How much do you or the business's employees currently make per day daytrading? What kind of wages do the daytrader(s) make, what kind of profits if any are left over after paying the daytrader(s)? How risky is it, do you see many days of no or negative income? What happens if there is not enough income to pay the wages? Etc.
How much of other people's money can the business accomodate? There is only so much capital one can reasonably move around in those markets isn't there? Or do you have a plan whereby even if someone said okay sure count me in for a hundred thousand bitcoins worth your traders would be able to operate effectively making reasonable profits for such an investor or customer?
Re the guestimate of receiver shares, it is merely a mean/average, the actual sending out of shares is a round-robin. Thus the more times the 4000 blocks gets to go around the robin (list), the closer it will be able to approach smooth/even distribution. The closer the number of shares in a round is to the limit of 4000 the more the difference in how many times around a given person was included in will make chunky differences / deviations from that mathematical ideal (the mean/average).
That is another reason to want to keep the number of shares per round low: it will get to loop more times through the list, so that being one of the odd ones out that didn't get included in the last loop-through would be less of a difference from what other people with the same number of shares in that round got.
For example if there are 3999 shares, one share gets looped-through twice. If there are 3991 shares, nine shares get looped through twice, and so on.
Back to the "business plan", I now see Unthinkingbit approved it. Unthinkingbit, could you explain a little more what you mean by "a business", inasmuch as I don't see any customers in Smeagol's plan, it looks to me more like a how to play the markets guide or something along those lines.
EDIT: Just to add some clarity: long ago on NetMarketingForum dot com I learned that the big, major, massive difference between a business and a self-employed job is employees. Being self-employed is a hobby (if it is not making profit) or a job, not a business. The big challenge is to turn it into a business, that is, to make it scale-able, to make it not be limited to just what the one person can do as their hobby or job. If it is just you, you are just doing a job, and often not a particularly profitable one, in fact often working for less than minimum wage, which is not sustainable when you need to start replacing that employee with someone else who will do that job for the business or expand by hiring more people to do that job for the business in addition to the person currently doing it.