Here is yet another example of something that it would be helpful to try to get coded by offering a bounty:
As some of you may be aware,
GRF and
GRC operate DEUterium depots, buying DEUterium from various intergalactic mining operations at the prices shown at thing is, this all takes place in the so called inner ring of galaxies, a collection of galaxies that are run on XNova Redisigned software, using the version whose source-code I have on github at took a while to discover that this software is seriusly broken, in that it looks like combat was never implemented in it at all, in fact looking at the code versus the database fields it looks like the authors never even really started to implement combat.
However, we actually took that as a good thing!
Because, it means that our "inner" ring of defensive galaxies around the inhabited (by FreeCiv-implemented worlds) galaxies automagically has no combat in it! Yay! That means we do not yet have to worry that the various intergalactic mining operations we sent out there will fight (militarily) among themselves nr send warships to invade the home galaxy or galaxies of the civilised worlds (the FreeCiv-based worlds).
However, we just discovered a not-so-opportune problem: it looks like the fleet count, which limits the number of fleets you can have in flight at one time based on your computer technology, is counting incoming fleets belonging to others.
Currently both GRF and GMC have been trying to re-arrange the stockpiles of DEUterium, but it was just discovered that ven though it only has one fleet still in flight of its own GRF cannot send out more shipments to re-arrange its stockpiles because the software claims it is at its limit of fleets, presumably because there are currently incoming fleets from various mining operations delivering DEUterium.
Now of course we could simply rationalise this by saying oh that is fine, it takes computer tech to track incoming fleets of other people's obviously not just to control fleets of your own.
And that is what we will have to do if no-one comes along and fixes this bug.
But I am pretty sure, having played various so-called "O-game clones" in the past, that it is not meant to work that way.
Furthermore we already got a better O-game clone, called Two Moons, which we might even be able to upgrade the inner ring (or sphere maybe more realistically) of galaxies to.
We are in no hurry to upgrade because Two Moons DOES have combat, though we have yet to actually test whether it actually works.
Also Two Moons itself has already been through a couple more versions since we found it and set it up to run a next-outward ring of galaxies, so we should probably start testing its latest version before thinking about trying to upgrade our existing nested rings of galaxies to it.
So, it would be nice to get this number of fleets bug in XNova Redesigned fixed.
It has some other minor bugs we work-around that we wouldn't mind seeing fixed too, like when you scrap a level of a building it atually scraps two levels, leaving you at level -1 if you scrap an odd numbered level building (though actually sometimes it glitches if you queue up two scrappings, thus theoretically 4 levels, instead ending up scrapping only 3 levels getting you back onto even numbers of levels.)
We have not actually tested but maybe you could even take the level deeper into negatives than just level -1.
Another minor thing is when calculating how much goods to put on a fleet for shipping it divvies up the numbers wrong, even if you are only putting one type of cargo saying to fill the fleet sometimes comes up with some weird slightly-off number so hs to be manually adjusted to actually fit.