The problems are the following:
1. The tax code for crypto is ambiguous, there is no widely agreed upon way to calculate taxes.
2. When exchanges fail, the trading information is lost, so it can be impossible to calculate trading gains and losses.
3. Accounting fees can be very high for crypto trading, sometimes more than the actual money made.
4. It is possible to owe more in taxes than was actually cashed out.
5. The rules change, and some of those changes are retroactive, so even if taxes are filed correctly today, in future tax collectors can claim that the taxes were not filed correctly and impose arbitrary penalties.
Devcoin is worth very little, but the accounting fees and risks are still high. It's a lot of hassle for little gain.
Because of this, unfortunately, I am going to resign from devcoin, until taxes are simplified or there's a big tax free cryptocoin jurisdiction, which I don't expect to happen for a long time if ever.
I don't want anyone to get in trouble because of something I'm doing or developing. I'll do the accounting for round 94, after that devcoin developers can handle the receiver files however they want.
I'm sorry for leaving. I wish there was another way, but I don't see one.
Hi Unthinkingbit,
This note is to publicly let you know that after a long internal discussion I'm proposing myself for running accounting from round 97. It took some time, but we are finally on the same page with the admin team, which is vital to keep running this project. Thanks for your trust on the devcoin developers for holding this big responsibility. We are doing our best to honor your legacy!
Also, I want to take a moment to say thank you for the Devcoin project! Which otherwise won't be possible without your initiative, courage and hard work through all these years, even more for those things that only founders do in silence to keep the dream alive. You'll always have my profound respect and gratitude Unthinkingbit!
May we meet again.
- develCuy
You have my support, in this first step in the DVC relaunch, by putting yourself forward in the role of Accounting Admin. You also have my full confidence that your ideas for DVC can bring energy and focus back to the project.
Thanks for picking up the ball, Buddy!
- Nova