I tried to send my new coins and statutos is confirmed but it did not arrive in my wallet on the computer. then tried to send to coingather gave the same thing and also did not arrive at the destination. I decided to buy a few coins in the coingather and to give the new one gave this error, and now how do I? I will lose the coins I have in the new exchange?
Error withdrawl coingather
Coin Code Amount Sent To Status TxID Create Date
EarthCoin EAC 8.00000000 eiWrm3wpCiKbApmrGG1Gt2aWvCzxnni936 ProcessedError
when checking the nodes of the NEW EXCHANGE NOTEI that has this in the addnode = 15677 linked to their portfolios. what seems to be of the attackers as well. I do not want to lose the coins I bought in the new one, how can I solve it?
after giving this error in the coingather. The coins have come in new. But I can not get the exchange for my personal wallet.
I'm requesting the coingather's draw now also for my personal wallet. in case the result comes here.