If you want to look at this as an attack or a vulnerability, the real attack vector (if it can be called that) is how non intuitive, user unfriendly, and buggy the client is and how it is being improved so incrementally slowly. I have had to redownload the block chain a dozen times because there are so many ways for the database files to lose sync with the wallet it is outrageous. I certainly don't want to poo on the whole cryptocurrency concept, which I believe is truly novel, but the app is proof-of-concept quality at best. Many serious problems exist (scalability an elephant size one) that haven't even begun to be addressed.
The fact is, the first person to show up with a vastly improved client gets a ripe opportunity to dictate how it is going to work, especially if it remains backward compatible with the classic ruleset and becomes a worthy upgrade even for those with no interest in the changed rules.
If you want to do something about it, work on the UI and fix the bugs before someone with an agenda does it for you.
Works fine for me, but there are other clients in the works as well.
If it's so fucking easy to fix, why don't you do it? Alternatively, you could pay Gavin to quit his job and develop the client full time. I mean, you've got all that money sitting around that you didn't actually
earn, you owe it to the community to give back.
LOL @ the "someone with an agenda fixing bugs". It's open source software. PLEASE make a better client "with an agenda". As long as I or someone I trust can audit the code, nothing will make me happier.