Earning money online is far superior to working at a physical establishment during the day. Although offline is highly appreciated and difficult. Trading is a great approach to find your true self. It will put everything to the test, including your greed, emotions, patience, discipline, how you handle failure, control, common sense, and resolve.
It should also be remembered that trading is not always profitable, even if you are an experienced person in trading. Trading has a different nature from the work done outside and when your financial capabilities are not so strong, then trading will not provide great benefits either. Trading definitely brings the ability to minimize risk and not everyone is able to survive the conditions that will occur.
Greed, emotion, discipline, patience are other important things that need to be considered when trading and not many people can survive this condition if they do not have an understanding of risk management.
I strongly advise anyone who is going through a terrible time in their life to learn to trade since it provides them a clear sense of purpose other than waiting for jobs. So, which is better, online or offline?
Personally, I prefer to choose an offline job rather than trading, the fluctuating nature cannot be reached by everyone, so there are limits to why people say trading is not always suitable. But when you have an offline job, trading can be done slowly to learn the basics needed, so that we don't depend on profits from trading alone, but have other jobs as support when we are not lucky when trading.