the internet opens up many job opportunities and of course is not bound by time so we can manage our own time. both online and offline jobs have their respective advantages and disadvantages, so we must be able to sort them according to their respective characteristics. one person may be successful at an offline job, but perhaps someone else may be successful at an online job, or even some people work at both. The paths taken are different, as long as we can enjoy it, I think it will produce maximum results, and for the current era where the price of necessities is getting higher, I think finding more than one source of income would be better to support the increasingly high necessities of life
I think it is also a bit based on talent and skills as well. Some people can't do jobs online, and some people can't do offline jobs. Can a mechanic do my job? They can't, can I do a mechanics job? I can't. This is not about any wage or earning neither, because there are mechanics who I assume makes a lot more than I do, and mechanics who do a lot worse than me, hell even in my own job there are people who do worse than me and do better than me as well.
So all in all, your income doesn't matter based on online or offline, it matters how good you are doing your job and how much risk you are taking. I believe that if you are doing a good job then you shouldn't be worrying about anything. This will result with a lot of doors opening up for you.
People should realize this on which that earning would really be entirely be depending on your skills and you should quit up the idea that just because you are just dealing online doesnt mean that you could potentially earn big.Of course those people who do have the skills are the ones who would really be able to achieve those numbers but for those who have none then expect that it would really be still
that challenging because you would be still having no path to take on which you would be focusing on but most likely you would be ending up on trading or other investment means.
Somewhat its not really that a bad thing to consider on because this is what im actually doing.
It is really just that a matter of choice whether you would really be pursuing on learning something or would really be just sitting around and just looking for something obvious which you could engage on.
Earning online could really that potentially make you earn more than on what you do earn offline but of course it wont really be that simple as it sounds.