I always experience a twinge of annoyance whenever I see a link like this.
Hey check out my cool idea.
Click link... Critical Error ... You lack the skills necessary to continue.
He should have a readme file if he doesn't already.
I believe the purpose of his work is to make it so you have a traceable HTTPS (TLS/SSL) certificate for a secure website which the NSA can't evesdrop on unless the authorities have issued a demand for your private key. It is well known that the NSA has probably backdoored most major HTTPS certificate companies, so they can snoop on encrypted traffic on the internet.
A certificate is an authority which says you can trust that the stated public key is the entity it claims to be.
I should explain more technical details of that to you, but I don't have the time to type it up.
P.S. now you know how I feel when I encounter math notation that I am not familiar with. Arghh. I can easily understand the concepts, but the notation is the barrier. I have been gradually pulling myself back up to speed on math notation, remembering some that I had forgotten (e.g. from Linear Algebra) and learning that I hadn't studied (e.g. that which comes from higher maths in number theory and algebraic geometry).
I am doing a readme soon.
But not not a web based cert.. ssl certs are stupid cause the ones that are signed which windoz accepts as valid are all derived from a root ssl cert that nsa probably controls or atleast can coerce and boom every ssl site is readable.
These are general provable and auditable certificates with the ability to encrypt data associated with that cert to the public/priv key that controls the certificate. You can transfer or edit them and only you can view them unless you open up abd remove private option.
from the website:
"Using the cryptography of the blockchain; Issue, authorize, and exchange digital certificates of any kind. With Syscoin anyone can register as a certificate issuer and issue provably-unique certificates with content of any kind to one or multiple parties on the Syscoin blockchain. These certificates can be authenticated by anyone via Syscoin’s cryptographic proof of work.
This allows for the creation and free exchange of a any kind of digital asset such as ownership certificates, warranties, receipts, tickets, certifications, diplomas, software licenses."
So it kinda follows your methodology of everyone being able to see a certificate exists even who owns it which points to a canonical name in a syscoin alias so its easier to understand than keys and then an exchange of data through certificates or messages that are private with only access given to whom the owner chooses.