
Topic: Economic Devastation - page 59. (Read 504776 times)

sr. member
Activity: 420
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August 21, 2015, 06:29:46 PM
Mega threads can be banned if they subsume the forum into a groupthink. So keep that in mind when posting in this thread. Redundant arguments should be avoided.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
August 21, 2015, 06:23:05 PM
Today it is women who drive evolution and unless there is a dark age where we return to tribalism (unlikely) this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. The state requiring significant child support and providing basic resources to single mothers certainly cements and accelerates this trend but it would exist even without state involvement.

A great culling might change your prognosis. If only the technologically adept survive the NWO eugenics. I think nature is smarter than you attribute to it Wink

An individual able to sleep with 30-40 women a year in the ancient world would have been setting himself up genetically as the next Genghis Khan.

I could literally do this (actually I think I could impregnate 10 women per month if I made it a full-time vocation), except the economic effects could be devastating to me, because the State will force me to corrupt every single one of those offspring.

It is the State that is causing the aberration, but I doubt it will be sustained. Males will drive evolution. Feminist apologists will go down with the Titanic. (again no offense intended to females who are capable of analytical contribution and also no offense to those who excel in traditional roles)

I am still working out my evolutionary strategy. I still have time, I am only 50.

Also I think it is important to note that evolution of ideas may now be more effective evolutionary strategy than genetically. I and MA can influence millions of people much more effectively via knowledge spread.

The men are still driving evolution. Genetics are MORE influenced by the ideas, because it influences on a wider scale who prospers in natural selection.

In effect, I am driving the genetic selection of others who mimick my genes. Much more efficient than fornication.

P.S. note a certain individual has been added to my ignore list which only has two persons in it.

Europeans leading the way to humanism which we discussed upthread (the linked video is revolting if think about your male evolutionary strategy being subverted by the State):

I was going to ask you if there is any truth to this thing which covered Switzerland a little bit:

If there is, I am extra glad that my ancestors got the fuck out of there.  I mean we've got plenty of similar problems over here on this side of the pond, but it does seem like you guys are leading the pack.

Bertrand Russel says that in 'scientific societies':

"Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. . . . It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. . . .”----Bertrand Russell,1953

Looks like "the sort of character" the leaderships in all Western countries (at least) want would be a society of borederline retarded sexually confused zombie sheep.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 1009
August 21, 2015, 11:04:09 AM

You said you were leaving  Huh

Earlier you said the real problem is low IQ people. Now you say it is centralization. So if only high IQ run the world, then centralization is the only possible outcome. So why are you bothering to even talk about what can't be fixed in terms of your logical basis.

That should give you a strong hint that your logical basis is flawed.

Scientific method is something you appear to not understand well. You quote a correlation between IQ and personal income. First of all, you should learn that correlation doesn't imbue causality, i.e. there can be other factors which may be at play and the correlation may not hold in every scenario past, future, and circumstantially. Secondly, if low IQ people are more numerous (hey its your assertion not mine!) then mathematically a higher number of lower income people can potentially have more economic impact thant a lower number of higher income people.

Things like that is where you diverge from reality. And there are many, many more instances where you've run aground and apparently didn't realize it.

Typical of you, just insults, and more insults.

My point was there that "power corrupts" ,yes that is the main issue.

The side issue with IQ is just natural law, you cannot do anything about that, that is irreversible natural behaviour.

But that in itself would not be an issue, if High IQ people would be moral (most of them are, yet the real powerful ones aren't), thus if they have power, atleast use that in a moral way.

Sure it can corrupt people if they have huge power, but there are the others who can stop them.

When a billionaire runs amok and starts to destroy things, it's not the little people who will stop him, but the other billionaires (preferably the ones with higher morality). Thing about that.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 21, 2015, 10:33:41 AM
High IQ men that mate with average IQ women, often produce high IQ offspring so it doesn't really matter if the high IQ women select themselves out of the gene pool.

The men drive evolution. That is why we feel the urge to impregnate many women.

I read that most men in certain parts of Asia have Genghis Khan's genes.

If the State wasn't dictating to men that they have to give up an arm and a leg for each child they produce, men would be much more reproductive.

Men used to be the primary drivers of evolution via sexual selection but this is simply no longer the case. Most men in certain parts of Asia do have Genghis Khan's genes. Genghis Khan lived in a time when your statements above were true.

Today it is women who drive evolution and unless there is a dark age where we return to tribalism (unlikely) this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. The state requiring significant child support and providing basic resources to single mothers certainly cements and accelerates this trend but it would exist even without state involvement.  

In the past being physically intimidating, success at combat and violence, and multiple brief "romantic" conquests were huge selective advantages that would result in offspring. Today their importance is rapidly diminishing. Female fertility and reproduction is now completely under the control of females and this represents a profound and under appreciated shift in selective pressure.

Today it matters little how many romantic conquests a man has and expending significant amounts of time and energy to secure multiple brief conquests provides little reproductive advantage and may even be detrimental.  

This article provides a snapshot of what today's dating scene is like for many young people.
Marty, who prefers Hinge to Tinder (“Hinge is my thing”), is no slouch at “racking up girls.” He says he’s slept with 30 to 40 women in the last year: “I sort of play that I could be a boyfriend kind of guy,” in order to win them over, “but then they start wanting me to care more … and I just don’t.”

An individual able to sleep with 30-40 women a year in the ancient world would have been setting himself up genetically as the next Genghis Khan.
Today it is quite possible that Marty has no children. The selective pressures have dramatically changed.

Compare that with this blog by a women named Julie who has six kids. It is obvious from the article that she decided to do so because she loves children and likely has identified a mate that helps her support this many children.
When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure, there are some days when I wonder what I've gotten myself into... But most of the time, I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids.

It is women like Julie not men like Marty who will drive human evolution over the next several generations.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
August 21, 2015, 07:15:34 AM
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
August 20, 2015, 04:29:09 PM
Joseph Stiglitz on Greece's new memorandum:

“Deep-seatedly wrong” economic thinking is killing Greece

Among the puzzling aspects of the MoU are demands for reforms on things seemingly trivial as milk. While pensioners are eating out of garbage cans, the troika has been haggling over how old a carton of milk can be if it is to be labeled “fresh.” Stiglitz observes that if you look closely you see that special interests — in this case the big dairy companies of Holland — appear to be behind the reforms. Dutch milk sellers would prefer that their milk, which travels long distances to reach Greece, be allowed to call itself fresh — a move that will only hurt local dairies. By discouraging local production, the MoU paves the way for even more Greek unemployment and less demand for goods and services — hardly a recipe for economic health. (The chairman of the Eurogroup , it may be worth noting, is Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch Finance minister).

I told you the NWO plan is a the largest capitalists trying to eliminate competition as the Industrial Age sinks into irrelevance.

Everyone needs to jump ship from that sinking top-down morass into the individually autonomous (grass roots, bottom-up) Knowledge Age.

Our ability as a nation to decide about ANYTHING ended the moment our elected government decided that would be a disaster if we leave the EU. Maybe they know better; but that's not what people elected them for.  Undecided


Everyone needs to jump ship from that sinking top-down morass into the individually autonomous (grass roots, bottom-up) Knowledge Age.

macsga, always democracy is a power vacuum. And thus yes the elite will take control...

The only way I can see to avoid that is to use technological innovation to remove the need for consensus... Soon we will have this technology.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
August 20, 2015, 03:19:56 AM
I mean it's obvious, but looks like it's only me who understands basic logic, reason, and scientific method.

Its always obvious to the Dunning-Kruger confidence.

i`m out of this thread, looks like i cannot reason with people here

Thank you God. You indeed work miracles.

Let me tell you the real problem.

You said you were leaving  Huh

Earlier you said the real problem is low IQ people. Now you say it is centralization. So if only high IQ run the world, then centralization is the only possible outcome. So why are you bothering to even talk about what can't be fixed in terms of your logical basis.

That should give you a strong hint that your logical basis is flawed.

Scientific method is something you appear to not understand well. You quote a correlation between IQ and personal income. First of all, you should learn that correlation doesn't imbue causality, i.e. there can be other factors which may be at play and the correlation may not hold in every scenario past, future, and circumstantially. Secondly, if low IQ people are more numerous (hey its your assertion not mine!) then mathematically a higher number of lower income people can potentially have more economic impact thant a lower number of higher income people.

Things like that is where you diverge from reality. And there are many, many more instances where you've run aground and apparently didn't realize it.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
August 20, 2015, 03:14:11 AM
One-standard-deviation increase in childhood general intelligence (15 IQ points)
decreases women’s odds of parenthood by 21–25%... dysgenic fertility among women is
predicted to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population


In regards to dysgenic fertility in high IQ women I believe this will also prove to be a transient phenomena. Right now we are living through perhaps the most profound shift in natural selective pressure since the development of agriculture 8000+ years ago. In 1960 the birth control pill was approved by the FDA. Since that time women who wish to control their fertility do so and women who do not desire children do not have children. This is unprecedented in human history and represents a profound shift in selective pressure from males to females. We have decoupled sex from reproduction and in doing so have displaced male success at sexual relations as the primary driver of human evolution. Today the primary driver of human reproduction is the desire of women to have children. A substantial portion of the female population is not adapted to the new environment and are in the process of selecting themselves partially or completely out of the gene pool. After a few generations this will leave us with a population that prioritize children and I believe that the trend towards dysgenic fertility will dissipate.

High IQ men that mate with average IQ women, often produce high IQ offspring so it doesn't really matter if the high IQ women select themselves out of the gene pool.

The men drive evolution. That is why we feel the urge to impregnate many women.

I read that most men in certain parts of Asia have Genghis Khan's genes.

If the State wasn't dictating to men that they have to give up an arm and a leg for each child they produce, men would be much more reproductive.

Sometimes I feel I haven't done my duty to plant more children (only 2 thus far that I know of), but seeing the outcome with the first two has put a brake on my enthusiasm about planting more.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
August 20, 2015, 02:51:04 AM
1. Most of the debt is owed to the people (e.g. entitlements), so the people can discharge the debt and then there is no need to postpone the settlement.

2. My proposal does not lack such an appeal, it is just that you have not looked into the lawful money which is referenced in 12 USC 411 and supported in other citations of US Federal law (as described in links already posted).
Kindly read the links and study this subject in detail, for therein is contained the remedy for this whole situation. I will link you to my first post in this thread:

1. In which case, they would not receive the capital they otherwise would.

2. A law code does not enforce itself. (E.g., the steele whereupon the Code of Hammurabi was inscribed did not, itself, physically beat the violators of that law code.)

1. Not so; like any other debt, an entitlement can be discharged by release of the people's credits back to the debt-issuer via indorsement, alongside the acquisition of that debt which is effectuated as an exchange or set-off for the credits so released; for details, see the banking flow chart in the HJR 192 folder which is referenced in this link from the same blog.
For more details, contact me in private; this is a work in progress, but I am NOT the only one.
Another example: If you have already made "payment" on a debt with a debt note, then you can retrieve that "debt-payment" after discharging the initial debt by simply claiming it back via the tax collection agency. Then, you simply "re-process" the claimed payment and endorse it for discharge again.

2. Correct; it is the gov that enforces the law. The US gov is required to uphold the law of war (usufruct) in any emergency. The people set up a Constitution for the US gov (corporation) so that they could control the gov; the gov cannot work outside of that law (charter), so it must enforce that law. As long as you are classified as an "enemy" (debtor), you will not have any rights in the conqueror's State of Emergency, but when you stand in the right capacity and stand with the truth, then you can assert your remedy and have it enforced by the de jure (lawful) authorities.
A great history review of these matters is found here, see the front-page story:
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
August 20, 2015, 01:04:45 AM
1. Most of the debt is owed to the people (e.g. entitlements), so the people can discharge the debt and then there is no need to postpone the settlement.

2. My proposal does not lack such an appeal, it is just that you have not looked into the lawful money which is referenced in 12 USC 411 and supported in other citations of US Federal law (as described in links already posted).
Kindly read the links and study this subject in detail, for therein is contained the remedy for this whole situation. I will link you to my first post in this thread:

1. In which case, they would not receive the capital they otherwise would.

2. A law code does not enforce itself. (E.g., the steele whereupon the Code of Hammurabi was inscribed did not, itself, physically beat the violators of that law code.)
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
August 20, 2015, 12:58:40 AM
What are you asserting?

It is far from obvious to me...

I wanted to inform the readers of this thread about remedy...

I doubt that you were aware that a debt can be discharged by an individual who has the knowledge.

I would prefer if your replies to my posts would reference what I am saying directly and show how it applies (or not) to what you say. Otherwise, there is no way for me to see what you are asserting.

Again, I am proposing a remedy/solution to this issue, i.e. lawful money; what exactly are you asserting... and how does it relate to what I said?

(Though it makes the quick review of these posts tedious, the entirety of your post has been cited.)

1. A government can pay its loan(s) with (an)other loan(s) (essentially, postponing the settlement thereof ad infinitum).

2. Since government enforces law, the enforcement of law necessarily entails an appeal to government. Since your proposal seems to lack such an appeal, there is no (at least, standard) reason to anticipate the compliance of government with the enforcement of the special "lawful[ness]" (1aguar) of your "lawful money" (1aguar).

1. Most of the debt is owed to the people (e.g. entitlements), so the people can discharge the debt and then there is no need to postpone the settlement.

2. My proposal does not lack such an appeal, it is just that you have not looked into the lawful money which is referenced in 12 USC 411 and supported in other citations of US Federal law (as described in links already posted).
Kindly read the links and study this subject in detail, for therein is contained the remedy for this whole situation. I will link you to my first post in this thread:
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
August 19, 2015, 11:55:59 PM
What are you asserting?

It is far from obvious to me...

I wanted to inform the readers of this thread about remedy...

I doubt that you were aware that a debt can be discharged by an individual who has the knowledge.

I would prefer if your replies to my posts would reference what I am saying directly and show how it applies (or not) to what you say. Otherwise, there is no way for me to see what you are asserting.

Again, I am proposing a remedy/solution to this issue, i.e. lawful money; what exactly are you asserting... and how does it relate to what I said?

(Though it makes the quick review of these posts tedious, the entirety of your post has been cited.)

1. A government can pay its loan(s) with (an)other loan(s) (essentially, postponing the settlement thereof ad infinitum).

2. Since government enforces law, the enforcement of law necessarily entails an appeal to government. Since your proposal seems to lack such an appeal, there is no (at least, standard) reason to anticipate the compliance of government with the enforcement of the special "lawful[ness]" (1aguar) of your "lawful money" (1aguar).
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
August 19, 2015, 11:44:42 PM
What are you asserting?

It is far from obvious to me...

I wanted to inform the readers of this thread about remedy...

I doubt that you were aware that a debt can be discharged by an individual who has the knowledge.

I would prefer if your replies to my posts would reference what I am saying directly and show how it applies (or not) to what you say. Otherwise, there is no way for me to see what you are asserting.

Again, I am proposing a remedy/solution to this issue, i.e. lawful money; what exactly are you asserting... and how does it relate to what I said?
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
August 19, 2015, 11:38:47 PM
What are you asserting?

The post contends that "that is . . . a payment and discharge of the debt" (1aguar).

You have misquoted me.
I asserted that a note (debt) is NOT a payment and discharge of the debt.
Payment and discharge (of debt) cannot be accomplished by a note (a debt).
Only by realizing your creditor status can you discharge a debt.
I have knowledge and resources standing by for those inquiring on how to more-fully effectuate the remedies on the iuvdeposit website.

1. An ellipsis was used to indicate the omission of "not," and the citation includes a hyperlink to the source material.

2. See the blue text of this post.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
August 19, 2015, 11:30:55 PM
What are you asserting?

The post contends that "that is . . . a payment and discharge of the debt" (1aguar).

You have misquoted me.
I asserted that a note (debt) is NOT a payment and discharge of the debt.
Payment and discharge (of debt) cannot be accomplished by a note (a debt).
Only by realizing your creditor status can you discharge a debt.
I have knowledge and resources standing by for those inquiring on how to more-fully effectuate the remedies on the iuvdeposit website.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
August 19, 2015, 03:54:36 PM
What are you asserting?

The post contends that "that is . . . a payment and discharge of the debt" (1aguar).
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
August 19, 2015, 03:50:10 PM
Well there are 2 things women want and need:  attractive man & resources.

Your bald assertion carries an authority that is inferior to that of the article CoinCube cited.

Now socialism provides resources for women so they are not necessarly inclined to rich people, so they only look for hot men.

Unlike within the natural environment, it is practical for a woman to acquire without male provision.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 1009
August 19, 2015, 03:37:49 PM
It's also noted that nerds, are underisable for women, yet they have the highest IQ, so it's obvious why humanity is so stupid, because nerdness is not sexually attractive. So they wont reproduce.'

While big macho grunts with no brains are attractive to women, and they will have 5-10 children, so the gene pool gets downgraded.

This is incorrect. The selective pressures going forward will increasingly favor nerds over "grunts"

Women may say they are looking for tights abs or a sense of humor in their man, but he had better have a health bank balance to go with it.

According to new research published yesterday in Germany, more women are using money as overriding criteria for choosing their partners.

For women though, if the man in the bottom ten percent in terms of looks earns more than $248,500, they will prefer him over the more attractive guy earning $60,000.

Well there are 2 things women want and need:  attractive man & resources.

Now socialism provides resources for women so they are not necessarly inclined to rich people, so they only look for hot men.

It's for note that socialism favors alpha-males, because alpha-males can conquer women without money (because they can just live on welfare) and only with their muscles and attractiveness.

Beta males have lesser luck with women and mostly only get MILFS , then they have to have bigger income to pay your MILF girlfriend and her kid.

But we know that this socialism wont last for long, or it should not last long.

So if the economy gets free without welfare, then "macho" boys will need to get to work, and earn money if they want to get pussy.

While beta males, are usually intelligent and they will earn tons of money and then get even more pussy then alpha males.

There is rivalry between males too, so it's not a uniform world in any case.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
August 19, 2015, 03:32:32 PM
Today the primary driver of human reproduction is the desire of women to have children. A substantial portion of the female population is not adapted to the new environment and are in the process of selecting themselves partially or completely out of the gene pool. After a few generations this will leave us with a population that prioritize children and I believe that the trend towards dysgenic fertility will also dissipate.

If a woman is to grow her career (as one might expect a more intelligent woman would), she will have to decide between the substantial amounts of time she could dedicate thereto and the substantial amounts of time she could dedicate to child rearing (if she, not someone else, is to also raise her biological children).
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 19, 2015, 01:54:01 PM
It's also noted that nerds, are underisable for women, yet they have the highest IQ, so it's obvious why humanity is so stupid, because nerdness is not sexually attractive. So they wont reproduce.'

While big macho grunts with no brains are attractive to women, and they will have 5-10 children, so the gene pool gets downgraded.

This is incorrect. The selective pressures going forward will increasingly favor nerds over "grunts"

Women may say they are looking for tights abs or a sense of humor in their man, but he had better have a health bank balance to go with it.

According to new research published yesterday in Germany, more women are using money as overriding criteria for choosing their partners.

For women though, if the man in the bottom ten percent in terms of looks earns more than $248,500, they will prefer him over the more attractive guy earning $60,000.

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