This is the big waste what [plutocracy] gives to us.
I dont think its pure oligarchy, as pure oligarchy would be business oriented, while this system is more theft oriented and pleasing the masses.
Its about a mixture of socialists in the lower ranks, and ultra rich in the higher ranks. At best I would call it socialist oligarchy.
Most of the taxes don't go directly to the wealthy, they get absorbed by low level minion politicians and the inefficient local corrupt bribed ones, or just simple go wasted on unnecessary projects
(Hence the 2004 Athens olympics which led to the construction of enormous stadiums , from an already low budget, for some stupid games, which then led to the whole country go bankrupt few years later.)
Yea but we have to adhere to concepts even if they dont exist in real world. I could say that you don't exist because you are just a collection of cells, and you don't exist as a human.
But we know that in reality we can interpret things that are not necessarly real, but they help our every day lives and association with nature.
Thus private property, however you put it, is valid, and it's a civilized way to organize humanity.
(Unless you wanna go back to hunter gathering communities, which I don't)
Because even a vicous ruler realizes that the longterm benefits overwegith the short one. It's immediate profit if you rob a farm owner of all his crops.
But if you rob him only 1% every year, you get more from him long term, plus he wont rebell against you.
Of course the ruler of the fiefdom only maintains his power over the vassal with force, however if the farm owner would own the land he must also protect it. Thus the monopoly of force wouldn't change, but it would transfer from illegitimate owner, to legitimate owner, and thus decentralize power.
Capitalism doesn't eliminate force, it just decentralizes it.
You know "with great power comes great responsibility", but nobody with great power has responsibility, thus nobody should have great power.
Art like gladiator slaves fighting in a colosseum? That was art once.
While with private property, and some morals mixed in (slave owners are not capitalists who own property, they are criminals, because humans cannot be property according to some moral principles)
Yes they do because some level or organization is always needed in society. But on their own they cannot achieve that, so it becomes a group effort.
The same way , I cannot build a car alone, i need other people's help, and I`ll pay for it.
Distribution of labour is also a sign of civilization, which moved us away from primitive hunter gatherer society.
And only capitalism and free market can distribute labour efficiently.
The printing money scheme allocates resources very poorly, mostly into the elite hands, what would never happen in a free market enviroment.
Thats why judges exist that define the limits of the rights and obligations. Of course with the advent of blockchain technologies, arbitrariness becomes less and less necessary, and things become more and more well-defined.
EX: Private property = Your own thoughts (which is obviously private) containing your private key (which nobody knows about it) = Material posession in the external world in the form of bitcoins.
I dont think the world can be defined with bayesian point of view ever. It's not like we will replace human judges with an AI or something, but if the corruption in the justice system becomes too big, it might come a day when we will be forced to.
Thats not all true, I say again, the top 0.001% elite hardly governs actively, they are more passive governing, and only care about their money, and less about population politics. Which could intersect at some levels, but they rarely do.
Most banks are occupied with giving out credits and financial services to multiply their wealths.
While the real governors, are usually rich, but below 1 billion $, a politician might collect a few million $ if he is in the game for longer period, but you hardly see politicians with 1 billion $.
Thus the politicians who directly make the laws (where small % of the laws were ordered by their puppet masters, and large % of the laws are made by their own wishes or the wishes of their voters) are responsible for the problems caused in the economy.