The admins deleted my entire thread about high dose vitamin D3 curing my Multiple Sclerosis: I struggle for years with a debilitating illness. I finally find what is curing me and enabling me to work effectively again. And I try to share that with all especially as it pertains to Politics and Society (our corrupt medical systems hiding that information from us) and the admins remove the entire thread without a trace.
They didn't even bother to provide a link to it where they normally move threads: is strange.
I suspect they will delete this post. If you want to protest, then quote this post. Let's see if they will also delete all the quotes of the post.
Any way, I don't give a fuck. They can ban me permanently any time. The admins of this site can kiss my ass if they practice censorship. Moving threads I can understand. Erasing threads without a trace is evil.
Anyone who asserts I didn't (don't) have Multiple Sclerosis is a dickhead. Fuck you admins. You have no idea how much I suffered. May the universe grant you experience with such suffering so you might have some appreciation.
> I have been diving into the vaccine infowar of late and am aware that the
> HPV vaccine (and thus likely HPV infection itself) is known to have a very
> high level of immunogenicity (strong activation of immune system =
> tendency to cause auto immune reactions) with, for example, reports of
> anaphylaxis being up to 20x more frequent than other vaccines. In a
> government panel conference in Japan (2013) in which a decision was made
> to stop recommending the HPV vaccination, a physician gave testimony to
> the committee regarding > 20 young patients he is treating for MS and all
> developed the disease shortly after receiving the HPV vaccination. A
> Canadian medical scientist at the conference presented her data published
> in a highly regarded journal showing mice injected with the HPV vaccine on
> the same schedule and dosage recommended for girls developed nervous
> system damage and antibodies directed specifically against nervous system
> proteins.
Thanks that confirms the reaction I observed in my body to that HPV infection in 2006.
Btw, the high dose vitamin D3 is feeling more and more like a cure. I feel great! Becoming normalized and athletic. Relapses getting more and more muted.
> Good news, then! I'm still flabbergasted that MS can be effectively
> treated with vitamin D and the wider integrative medicine and alternative
> health community hasn't covered this.
It appears to me that there is so much homoeopathic BS out there, that people are numb and reject everything that isn't mainstream medicine.
For example, I have stated that taking 2000 mcg (2mg) iodine daily (via Kelp tablets) has been an important addition to the high dose vitamin D3. But readers might wonder if that is curing me and not the vitD3. I know it isn't the iodine curing me because I tried iodine alone before in 2013. Details like this are missing from the readers' appraisals of my claims.
So far it appears high doses of Vitamin D3 are tolerated well as long as the daily intake of water is great (> 2L daily). But I have not yet done a kidney panel and I am little bit worried about this. Yet I don't feel any symptoms of hypocalcaemia.
Yeah I believe I was relapsing today, but it was subtle it was difficult to be sure. I had a slight neuropathy in the bottom of the left food, had some itchiness and inflammation in the head and neck area, yet I ran 9min for 2 kms, did 300 pushups (3 sets), and was mentally alert. I just got very sleepy early (but had woken up early due to slight insomnia after sleeping 8 hours the prior night).
My pushups are getting very intense, like a rapid fire machine gun. I can do 100-130 in less than a minute.