Sure a lot of developments are going to happen in bitcoin in the next 10 years, just like there have been a lot of developments in the last 14 years, yet bitcoin is already a success, and it is already a paradigm shifting invention that has changed the world forever whether people like it or not.. whether friends like it or not and whether enemies like it or not.
If you and I, even without any reliable information, just think about the decision of Nayib Bukele to make BTC legal tender in his country, then we will understand that this is a very logical decision. There is no national currency in El Salvador. There is only $ in circulation. It is clear that if El Salvador would issue its own national currency, it would immediately undergo hyperinflation, as happens in such cases in almost all small countries.
And the independence of the whole country from the dollar, at least partially, would be desirable for a responsible president of such a country. This is the right position and the responsible government of any country, which should control the financial turnover in the country. His choice fell on BTC, which is now able to provide even micropayments with the help of LN, for a hamburger or for a cup of coffee. A bold decision, but I believe it is correct, it is a much more competent decision, even taking into account the unstable exchange rate BTC, because the inflation of his own currency would still be much more catastrophic, an order of magnitude more!
So Bukele and the Parliament of El Salvador made a very competent and modern decision based on the interests of maintaining the country's sovereignty.