Working as intended. The payout queue is oldest paid first and recalculates each block. So if I set my payout to 1BTC but it takes me a full month to get to 1BTC then odds are I will go to the front of the queue just as soon as I hit 1 BTC since I will be owed for shares from a full month back. So every time the pool finds a block the queue is shuffled a bit. Sometimes when the pool hits two blocks very close together your display will say you are not in the queue anymore but don't worry about it, the next block will sort you out again.
EDIT: I guess I should also point out that there are some fail safe reasons that payouts will go to a pool wallet and not pay anyone (as in the case of two blocks very quickly). The fail safes are just precautionary in case of malfunctions so no erroneous payments are made. When that happens nobody gets paid so the queue just gets longer. Then every 6 to 8 weeks wizkid stops by and does a manual payout to catch the queue back up. In fact we are about due for a visit.