A : open wallet staking for 24/7 - 365 days
B : open wallet staking for 1 hour - 365 days
if coinage effect applied person A staking reward will have exactly the same as person B, just that person A will have much equally distributed staking reward
if coinage effect is not applied person A staking reward will have 24x more than person B because wallet is running 100% of the time
so which 1 is correct?
coinage is nothing to do with the amount of time the wallet is open. So you can switch it off half the time and you will get the same annual percentage, just you can't be paid when it is off so probably will be rewarded less often in the long run. If you want to stake more often for more compounding, you should leave the wallet open more often but otherwise it makes no difference to the amount you receive as it only depends on the number of says since you STARTED STAKING the amount.