v 0.3.2
Added DNS NVS Subdomain control system, add new domain zones - * .lib, * .bazar
How to open this?
Is there any example of sites and nslookup resolving of domain names in this domain zones?
Is there any more domain zones?
Should I'm using any Public DNS servers, like OpenNIC to open this sites?
https://wiki.emercoin.com/en/EMCDNS#Accessing_EMCDNS_zonesThe easiest way is using a browser extension like
https://blockchain-dns.info/This extension cann't resolving domains .coin, .emc, .lib and .bazar
There is an error:
resolution of .ZONE is temporary unavailable.Also this extension cann't open .bit domains correctly.
I did try another extensions
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/.bitbut I cann't open any domain too.
For example nf.bit:
>nslookup nf.bit
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
Server: UnKnown
Name: nf.bit
This is a working example of resolving nf.bit through OpenNIC Public DNS server IP.
I see in your link there is ONLY ONE working proxy from OpenNIC:
http://proxy.opennicproject.org/proxy.phpand there is working nf.bit address - it's forum.namecoin.org
But through OpenNIC proxy I cann't get resolved IP from .coin, .emc, .lib and .bazar names.
I have an domain name in Emercoin.
But I cann't open sites:
Anyone can help? I want an example of working .bazar, .coin, .emc, .lib sites,
want to see resolving their IP, and want to know servers IP who can resolve this.
Then I want to use it as Public DNS to open site after some confirmations.
I cann't open my domain name anyway because I still don't have
in EmerCoin a name_firstupdate transaction with many confirmations,
but I don't know working public DNS servers who can resolve it.
UPD: I already did open Emercoin sites through proxy OpenNIC.For example, this:
https://emercoin.mintr.org/nvs/dns/ ->
https://emercoin.mintr.org/block/257904dns dns:hellstrom.emc A=,|AAAA=2a03:b0c0:2:d
Opening here:
http://proxy.opennicproject.org/proxy.php?q=aGVsbHN0cm9tLmVtYwAnd I can add OpenNIC Public DNS as primary server to the settings of my Internet Card,
Wi-Fi Adapter, or to the Router Settings to do opening Emercoin sites easy in browser.
I also have a name in .bit zone with over 100 confirmations and cann't resolve IP from this
through OpenNIC DNS SERVERS.
UPD: I still cann't open my .bit domain through OpenNIC server.Maybe OpenNIC servers cann't update data from NameCoin blockchain.
So only SixEleven (611 Coin) is really working domain coin, as I see.
And I can do DDNS there.
I see EmerCoin cann't supporting resolving with one "ALIAS" or "CNAME" DNS-record!Why I cann't specify only CNAME or ALIAS in the parameters for Emercoin domain name?
Why I need to specify DNS record A or AAAA (IPv6 A record) as direct address, if it can be dynamic?
I want to do DDNS, like 611 Coin, but...
For example, this:
https://emercoin.mintr.org/nvs/dns/exploit.lib//25/0/0dns dns:exploit.lib CNAME=exploit.in|TXT=Exploit Site
nslookup through OpenNIC public DNS server:
>nslookup exploit.lib
*** Can't find server name for address Server failed
Server: UnKnown
*** No address (A) records available for exploit.libAnd OpeNIC proxy cann't open this domain name:
http://proxy.opennicproject.org/proxy.php?q=aHR0cDovL2V4cGxvaXQubGliLwBut only one "alias" parameter for SixEleven working good. See my previous posts to understand this.
Also, I cann't see the working paperwallet for EmerCoin!Because I cann't do in qt-wallet the console command "importprivkey PRIVATE_KEY"
if I using private key, generated from here:
https://walletgenerator.net/?currency=EmerCoinSo should I do papwerwallet with supporting to use compressed private keys and compressed address?
I see qt-wallet using compressed priv and addr.
Also I can do brainwalletX.github.io for EmerCoin.
Best regards.