In their current incarnation, yep, definitely.
2. When they finally adopt it, employees of the states finances will be much more transparent. This would hopefully force disbandment of corrupt parties and officials and growth of honest/transparent parties.
These bits.
Let me ask, what government would YOU like? The current style? or if you had the choice to design a 'people friendly' government, are you happy living under your current government? Or would you prefer a transparent government? And whatever you answer, try saying the same answer when your government decides to copy Cyprus.
Just to add, someone early in this thread said something along the lines of;
But they could just create extra private wallets
Indeed, and I hope so. But the major point is, that the 'initial' wallet that government officials get paid with would be identified and would be visible for ALL to observe whenever they wished. So any 'extra under the table' money can be observed.
Yes, they could have other wallets that they'd be using to be getting 'under the table bribes'. And here's how a system can stop that.
- ONLY allow a political party to spend money from their designated wallet (or wallets) -
- IF things look dodgy, then ANYONE can go looking through the bitchain - This will be the fear into the corrupt to abide by the people.
And here's a little secret for you,
There are hardly NO Governments left (huh?? shock horror?!) - what exists is the global banking empire - your government is dead, it died a long time ago, what exists is a shell of a corpse that the global banking empire has crawled into and pretends it's your government.
Tell me about how yours, or any government, around the world has dealt with HSBC as a government SHOULD (according to constitution and international law). Tell me about how yours, or any government has dealt with the lies to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and Libyia, and everywhere else that's been invaded. Tell me about how your government protects its people as it raises taxes and cuts benefits whilst dolling out HUGE bonuses to bankers. Tell me about how your government continues to bring to light pedophile investigations into their administrations (US & UK, I havn't had time to look into other countries, but they were/are involved) over the decades. Tell me about your government making sure that voting is not twisted and cheated upon (especially in the US, I feel sorry for you guys and gals). Tell me about how the Greek and Cyprus governments protect their people as they steal their money for the EU and international banks. Tell me about how Iceland's government survived when their crisis hit the fan a few years back.
I could go on, but you get the picture.
Your governments are dead, or maybe there's a breath in there somewhere and we can kick out the parasite .. or we leave the infested corrupt body to die with the bankers as we move forward into a new era.
Cut the puppet strings and watch the infested puppet corpse drop.