They chose to allow ETC, which is a similar situation, surely if they are being laissez-faire, they shouldn't freeze anything!
Do they now sit on these coins, or return then?
I agree with that PoV.
the black hat hack coins have not been moved to the exchange as far as i know.
and etherfork did know there is the posibility that the fork ends in 2 chains. and 2 coins. the new one Ether fork and the old one still same as befor fork etc. vitalik and co did know about that risk. vitalik as i understand was involved a lot in the discution on bitcoin for or not fork . where all this risks where discust.
its also if you have not real consensu means all down to the basis do agree to the fork a fork will always end in 2 chains. its called a faild fork as i understand it. but its basic blockchain technique i was told.
so why would etc be the bad coin ? just becouse it refuses to die ?
and let see waht polo does if the black hat hacker wants to sell there.
id say freeze it and report it. where i live it selling or helping to sell stolen goods is a crime- fencing or handling of stolen goods.
therefor what polo did is legal
now they have to tell what is the next step
do they report ?
cant give it back to the hacker for sure
What a shit show cluster fuck of idiocy here on every damn topic and comment LOL
Legal ?
Are you fucking kidding me ?
There is way too many brain dead retarded noob sin Crypto.. RUNNING IT !
Polo is a sleazy ass pile of shit.
All they ever do is what serves them (makes them look good with the majority)
While they make money in a FREE MARKET LAWLESS SYSTEM
What part of Free Market your all chanting don't you get ?
It means they can scam it up as much as they want and you all can't say shit about it.
ETH is a scam.
What is there to debate about ?
Oh sorry i forgot.. YOU PROFITS
The Poloniex did not return the ETC to me when they lend out my ETH before the hard fork. So I think it is not a good exchange.