but he has been around for ages and one of the most trusted community members
I wonder if admin is willing to disclose the statistics on how many players are using the bot ?
interested in the figures, even if in percentage to the total number of players
Bit of a necro quote, but was reading through the thread and wanted to answer this.
To protect the personal information of my users and ensure that it never gets leaked in a hack or something, I don't store anything. I don't collect any usage information from the users. I can get a rough idea of how many times DiceBot is opened from the update check it performs when opened, but that is all. I do not know which site they play on, which currency they use, how much they play or anything at all really. The best way for me to track any of those are usually through affiliate programs, but if none is available for the site, I'm as much in the dark as anyone else.
I can confirm that there are people using it, since I've had emails asking for help logging in to ethercrash through the bot or how to use the bot for the site, but I cannot quantify the usage.