I am a little biased because I am currently developing for some Ethereum DaPP stuff but I really like how the platform has moved along. A big part of Ethereum is its attempts at becoming a global computing machine with Ether itself being the incentive. To this end, we are seeing the development of multi-chain tech like Plasma where I think part of the intent is for Eth to become the bonding currency for a bunch of off-chain marketplaces which will drive a phenomenal amount of liquidity towards the system as decentralized marketplaces and private chains begin pegging value store to Eth. That said, this development is extremely far into the future. In the interim I believe there are going to be some stormy seas for ETH as the transition through Metropolis into Serenity creates all manner of problems for incumbent solutions. If you are abreast of the developments in the space you may be able to use these dips and rises for your own purposes. But I suspect the overall moving average is positive.
I know this sounds cartoony, but these conversations tend to devolve into BTC vs ETH which will 'win'. However, there is space for both since the actual marketshare/liquidity pool they are attempting to expand into is the entire global financial system. Likewise, I'd argue that one does not engineer the position and utility for the currency/asset, rather, it kind of arises organically. With this in mind, it seems that the main thing that will hold back (or help) ETH, if anything, is its somewhat centralized core devOps environment (overall, not just Ethereum Foundation. Also this isn't necessarily a bad thing.) and how they release further control and steer the big hard fork(s) on the horizon.
I think competition and cooperation are healthy for the Cryptosphere. I am a great fan for the evolution of blockchain technology in whatever form it comes. Bitcoin let the cat out of the bag and now the cat is giving birth to a ton of kittens. I love to be a part of this great leap forward and hope that my Son and Grandkids one day will look back and say, Hey that woman wasn't crazy after all. It's time to bag up Bitcoin and Ether for your Loved Ones. I am no techie, but as a woman and mother I want what's best for my Family and the blockchain is our future. Either we sit and argue about it and the clash of Alpha male Egos continues, or we all move forward in Unison in a productive way, perfecting and honing our skills and contributing to this wonderful movement. BTW If I were young I would love to be doing what you are doing, but I was too much in the Arts way back then..