ETH is falling a bit today, I expect a price to go down some more
I also think that it will go down more but of course we still have to see what is gonna happen with it.
I hope it will also rise a bit again.
There are more developments of the Etheruem. of CashEth
We’re on track to have the first major bank issue their own token on the Ethereum live chain, directly connecting it with customer accounts. Check out the snapscreen video of the system running on our test network.
One thing that’s important to highlight is that the system will be completely open source, this includes the underlying smart contracts as well as the code that runs the system and connects to the bank APIs.
Other major banks are now approaching us and are asking to be part of an initiative that is putting cash money on the chain. We will be taking it slowly and surely, but eventually hope to have all their tokens on the live chain.
We’re working in close collaboration with Santander as we deal with the last few remaining obstacles in bringing the system onto the live network. Watch this space.