Removing the m_pending check will lead to these incomplete responses. That's why it's there. But it is not thread safe, will have to fix that.
is this response for my question about the crash?, i don't remember the crash in the 4b3 release
not to a crash. i get reports that the miner just randomly fails to receive new work any longer. trying to reproduce that behavior, but haven't succeeded yet.
For reproduce this bug I manually broke connection (disable network adapter).
I applied your fix with mutex, and as first look it works good. I will perform more tests soon.
Also I sometimes get "Allocating/mapping single buffer failed with: clEnqueueWriteBuffer(-4)" error on reconnect.
I have 5 GPUs with 2GB on machine with 4GB RAM and 8GB pagefile (Win7 64bit).
This occurs only on reconnect, miner starts to work successfully always. So, may be stop farming on reconnect not a good idea.
Thanks drr0ss,farm recheck only shows hash rate more or less frequently or changing it also changes the result of hash?
In stratum mode yes, in getwork mode "farm recheck" this is a also period of new work rechecking.