Do you think I live in Bulgaria, Ukraine or Russia? LOL These countries have high mortality rate, drop in "level of medicine", energy and heating crisis (except Russia) and low standard of living.
Iran which is where I live is actually at the bottom of the list under all of EU and a lot of other countries. To be precise it is ranked 169 among 203 countries with Ukraine being 2
nd considering mortality rate according to UN stats found
here. We also have the second largest gas supplies and the first largest amount of fossil fuels in total and have no issue with energy and heating thanks to the largest network of gas pipelines and the most sophisticated electrical grid in the world that reaches farthest part of the vast Iran's geography .
The only problem we have is economical (more precisely inflation) which is partly because of 6000+ sanctions against us and the cold war we've been fighting over the past 50 years and partly because of idiotic money printing policy that some presidents have chosen in the past, which is exactly why I have a lot of topics about similar idiotic money printing policies in other countries.
Well Russian budget isn't really affecting the world and the changing of the World Order but the crisis in the West and deindustrialization of the West namely the US colonies does.
But feel free to open a new topic about Russian budget with actual data and your thoughts on its
effects on the rest of the world. I'd be interested in reading
... to be honest - I don't care where you live, what your nationality, religion, sexual orientation and skin color are. Any inhabitant of the earth can carry nonsense, regardless of the criteria listed here
I especially like you, with what zeal and rapture, being in Iran, you tell me, a citizen of Ukraine living in Ukraine, what is happening to me
And now about your "facts"
1. Measles. Yes, there was a flash. But !
The consequence of the outbreak is not a low level of medicine! Although I can’t say that Ukraine has the best medicine, it’s not bad at all, at least Iranian citizens go to Ukraine in large groups to study as doctors, yes, yes, your citizens study with us, and not vice versa. Tell me - where are the values, experience and practice better?
But back to measles. One of the key reasons for this outbreak in 2019 is a consequence of the anti-vaccination movement. Yes, in the west of Ukraine, there was such a movement, and this is not a problem of 2019, it started earlier. The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) acted as a special bearer of this ideology. It was they who became the "locomotive" of this murderous movement and began to drive into the heads of parishioners from about 2014. Yes, this is a known fact, you can find references.
But let's not forget about the indicators of "high mortality" from measles!
Note: In 2019, 72 people died of measles in Europe, 16 of them in Ukraine. It's a lot ?
We read the excerpt from the WHO "Measles death rates worldwide increased by 50% between 2016 and 2019, and in 2019 this disease claimed more than 207,500 lives." Worldwide. 207,500 against a total of 31 people in Ukraine (for this period). Will you tell something else about the low level of medicine in Ukraine?
PS The Iranian authorities acknowledged the death during the protests of more than 200 people. This is 9 times higher than the death rate from measles in Ukraine over 4 years...
2. Now to the mortality rates. It is very convenient to take out of context or a couple of numbers and wave them around. But it won't work
The mortality rate in Ukraine is certainly not the lowest. But there are nuances here. If you look at the official statistics of the UN. Then we will notice that:
until 2014 - the death rate was approximately 13.4, then after 2014 - it began to rise sharply. I hope you know what happened in 2014, and what are the real reasons for the increase in mortality?
Since 2015, the modernization of medicine in Ukraine has begun, which has already given a noticeable result....
3. "energy and heating crisis (except Russia)" - look how you, a resident of Iran, surprisingly positively single out Russia, which you seem to have nothing to do with!
Anyway, let's go back again .. yes, yes - to the facts
Schools where children sit in warm outerwear during lessons, hospitals where patients are covered with mattresses for heating, the highest mortality from carbon monoxide, the eternal collection of firewood throughout the country for pensioners and the needy, fires due to home-made heaters and stalagmites from frozen feces poured into windows - these are picture from ordinary Russia of the 21st century! And for many years now! Perhaps you have only seen Moscow? Then I recommend driving 50 km from Moscow - you will learn a lot of new things
PS The fact that Iran is more developed than Russia is what I know. Because Russia is begging drones and missiles from Iran to kill civilians in Ukraine .. By the way, this blood is on your country too ...