
Topic: Evil MAGA hat kids from Covington School VS Native American - page 2. (Read 1028 times)

Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
Last answer. I'll let you alone with your shit after that.
You didn't say "the left", you said "political". Not sure why you expect me to address what you mean and not what you said. Also Orwell wrote a whole book critical of Communism called Animal Farm so...
His books don't talk about left and right but about control of the powerful over the people through manipulation and language transformation.

There is no political stance in Orwell's work concerning economical regulation, market or anything like this. It's only about institution, language and freedom.
Can't do better than to give the quote explicitely saying "his books doesn't talk about left or right".
Who said anything about jail? Can you even remember your own statements from one moment to the next? Your whole post is just irrelevant, period.
My bad here, I'm not 100% English fluent. Wrote jail as a synonim of "scrutiny".
Your interpretation of 1984 is a stretch at best. Frankly I doubt you have ever read it.
I don't give a fuck what you doubt.
Orwell doesn't need to be blatantly for right or left to describe tactics the left are very thoroughly abusing.
There is a tremendeous difference between "criticizing a left tactic" and "criticizing a tactic that the left is currently using" and if you can't see it I can't do anything for you.
It is alarming because it means he is actively unwilling to view any information that does not reaffirm his already currently held belief system. This is dangerous because these people then essentially become puppets for the media.
You're talking like YOU are not subjected to confirmation bias. It's not surprising you think yourself above this. You're not.
Since they are unhinged and excuse violence, this is a real physical threat not only to people who disagree with them, but the entire nation as this pattern of denial of reality combined with the excusing of violence will lead to civil war. The media will continue to hype people up with lies, the left will go too far, and some one on the right will defend themselves and the left will again form more mobs to demand retribution regardless of who is at fault. Then a feedback loop of violence will erupt. That is why this is alarming.

P.S. Speak for yourself. Some of us work very hard at making sure we get diverse views on information. Not all of us are as lazy and uniformed as you, stop making excuses for your ignorance and do something to change it. No one is going to spoon feed you the truth, you have to seek it. Anything blasted in your face has some kind of agenda that is not in your personal interests, because that is the job of the media, to hide embarrassing truths and sell comfortable lies.
Yeha I know I will never be at the level of godly TECSHARE who has read everything, understood everything, and keeps himself informed from all political sides in an unbiased way.

That's all for me. Bye.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
maybe you want to make an actual point?
My only points were:
-Orwell isn't especially against the left, he's against manipulation through language abuse
-No one here is saying we should put the kids in jail except maybe coin4commies

Your whole post is irrelevant concerning those 2 parts.

You didn't say "the left", you said "political". Not sure why you expect me to address what you mean and not what you said. Also Orwell wrote a whole book critical of Communism called Animal Farm so...

Who said anything about jail? Can you even remember your own statements from one moment to the next? Your whole post is just irrelevant, period.

That's not exactly right. The minute regulation of everyday life which Orwell wrote about existed in Fascist Germany, more recent in Iraq, but not in Spain, Italy or South American countries. However, dozens of communist nations have exhibited this kind of control and for explicitly the reasons Orwell warned.

It's fair to say that totalitarian policies do best in totalitarian countries, which would of course be "left." Where the government owns the sources of information and promulgates what it wants to the people.
It's rather easy to compare 1984 thought police to KGB of course.

But the whole fake Goldstein book in 1984 is denouncing the current capitalist market and the use people in power have of war and consumation.

Orwell is both against right and left manipulation, whatever the source. He denounces both of the extremes and their abuse of English language. That's his main stance.
Moreover, I find it alarming that Coinsforcommies doesn't even know of the hundreds of threats against the Covington kids. That immediately shows that his news sources suppressed that, thus creating a very different reality which he fell for.

Sure, but I don't know if that's so alarming. Confirmation bias is strong everywhere on the web, I guess we all ignore things that are against our ideas not because we refuse to see them but because we're not even informed they exist.

Your interpretation of 1984 is a stretch at best. Frankly I doubt you have ever read it. Orwell doesn't need to be blatantly for right or left to describe tactics the left are very thoroughly abusing. It is alarming because it means he is actively unwilling to view any information that does not reaffirm his already currently held belief system. This is dangerous because these people then essentially become puppets for the media. Since they are unhinged and excuse violence, this is a real physical threat not only to people who disagree with them, but the entire nation as this pattern of denial of reality combined with the excusing of violence will lead to civil war. The media will continue to hype people up with lies, the left will go too far, and some one on the right will defend themselves and the left will again form more mobs to demand retribution regardless of who is at fault. Then a feedback loop of violence will erupt. That is why this is alarming.

P.S. Speak for yourself. Some of us work very hard at making sure we get diverse views on information. Not all of us are as lazy and uniformed as you, stop making excuses for your ignorance and do something to change it. No one is going to spoon feed you the truth, you have to seek it. Anything blasted in your face has some kind of agenda that is not in your personal interests, because that is the job of the media, to hide embarrassing truths and sell comfortable lies.
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
That's not exactly right. The minute regulation of everyday life which Orwell wrote about existed in Fascist Germany, more recent in Iraq, but not in Spain, Italy or South American countries. However, dozens of communist nations have exhibited this kind of control and for explicitly the reasons Orwell warned.

It's fair to say that totalitarian policies do best in totalitarian countries, which would of course be "left." Where the government owns the sources of information and promulgates what it wants to the people.
It's rather easy to compare 1984 thought police to KGB of course.

But the whole fake Goldstein book in 1984 is denouncing the current capitalist market and the use people in power have of war and consumation.

Orwell is both against right and left manipulation, whatever the source. He denounces both of the extremes and their abuse of English language. That's his main stance.
Moreover, I find it alarming that Coinsforcommies doesn't even know of the hundreds of threats against the Covington kids. That immediately shows that his news sources suppressed that, thus creating a very different reality which he fell for.

Sure, but I don't know if that's so alarming. Confirmation bias is strong everywhere on the web, I guess we all ignore things that are against our ideas not because we refuse to see them but because we're not even informed they exist.
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
maybe you want to make an actual point?
My only points were:
-Orwell isn't especially against the left, he's against manipulation through language abuse
-No one here is saying we should put the kids in jail except maybe coin4commies

Your whole post is irrelevant concerning those 2 parts.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Orwell was right. You are the enemy because you have actively made yourself the enemy, seeking people to victimize while you justify it with endless relativism, equivocation, and Postmodernist "logic".

You clearly never read Orwell.

His books don't talk about left and right but about control of the powerful over the people through manipulation and language transformation.

There is no political stance in Orwell's work concerning economical regulation, market or anything like this. It's only about institution, language and freedom.

That's not exactly right. The minute regulation of everyday life which Orwell wrote about existed in Fascist Germany, more recent in Iraq, but not in Spain, Italy or South American countries. However, dozens of communist nations have exhibited this kind of control and for explicitly the reasons Orwell warned.

It's fair to say that totalitarian policies do best in totalitarian countries, which would of course be "left." Where the government owns the sources of information and promulgates what it wants to the people.

Moreover, I find it alarming that Coinsforcommies doesn't even know of the hundreds of threats against the Covington kids. That immediately shows that his news sources suppressed that, thus creating a very different reality which he fell for.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
No one has been able to explain to me why these kids should be under any scrutiny whatsoever. So far all I see are a bunch of bigoted and biased opinions based on some anecdotal experiences that are probably long past the norm anyway.

blah blah blah blah

No one has been able to explain you why the kids shoudl be under scrutiny because no one here says they should be so. Except maybe a bit coin4commies but no one takes him seriously, it's like you or BADECKER who would seriously listen to such people?

Don't try to make yourself some kind of victim. We're on a clear pro-freedom forum. No one here will say we should put kids on the radar because they had a MAGA hat. No one says so, not even the leftists you hate so much.

This is the usual quality debate I expect of you. This is just a straight up lie. Not only do several people on this forum excuse this behavior, many high profile media organizations continue pushing lies about the story, and these kids are still being threatened and attacked on social media. The school even had to close for security reasons.

What does any of this have to do with me personally? What makes me a victim here even? You are going to hurt your rectum pulling all this stuff out of your ass if you aren't careful. Don't bust an O ring. Just because people THINK they are pro-freedom doesn't mean they are. People's heads are so full of lies they can justify anything now days, including functionally being a nazi whilst claiming to be fighting for "truth" and "freedom". The fact that you don't understand what I was talking about below regarding Orwell explains why you don't understand this concept here. Words are just cudgels to most people now days, and they barely understand them let alone how to use them.

That is why people LIKE YOU are so fucking dangerous. You are a true believer. You run around expecting the world to always be as it presents itself, never doing any of the intellectual work it takes to truly understand yourself and others, believing what people tell you never seeking any confirmation of these points before you run around spewing them as immutable truth and acting on them. It is just a matter of time before some one hands you a brown shirt and tells you to march, or maybe a red scarf? You are a ball of highly charged emotion with a thin candy layer of logic on the outside, waiting to be directed at a target so you can melt down all over them.

YOU are the problem, YOU are the threat, YOU are the reasons events like what happened to the Convincing kids happen. You only care about the facts that serve your existing belief system and the rest is summarily dismissed. This is the kind of mentality that is going to lead the US as well as the world into civil war.

Orwell was right. You are the enemy because you have actively made yourself the enemy, seeking people to victimize while you justify it with endless relativism, equivocation, and Postmodernist "logic".

You clearly never read Orwell.

His books don't talk about left and right but about control of the powerful over the people through manipulation and language transformation.

There is no political stance in Orwell's work concerning economical regulation, market or anything like this. It's only about institution, language and freedom.

You know why I am especially rude and condescending to you in particular? It would be one thing if you were just dumb, I see dumb people all the time. The reason I don't like you is because you run around with all the confidence and authority in the world, but barely understanding anything you preach to others about, and that is dangerous to others. To me it is like dangling raw meat in front of a big cat, I can't resist reminding you how full of shit you are before you set more brush fires of stupidity.

If you yourself had read Orwell, or even had a passing familiarity with some of his work, you would know in his book 1984 that he specifically referenced the redefinition of words to the point that they eventually became the exact opposite meaning of what was intended. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. Not to mention he SPECIFICALLY mentions FACE CRIME.

 There are various political stances in Orwell's work. He even directly wrote about this phenomena in his essay "Politics & The English Language", about how politicians will manipulate words until they are meaningless for their own gain. The point being that this is exactly what we see now as the left projects every accusation made against them against their opponents, flipping the meanings of words on demand depending on who it suits. So now that you are done demonstrating to everyone you have not only not read any Orwell, let alone read this thread, maybe you want to make an actual point?
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
No one has been able to explain to me why these kids should be under any scrutiny whatsoever. So far all I see are a bunch of bigoted and biased opinions based on some anecdotal experiences that are probably long past the norm anyway.

blah blah blah blah

No one has been able to explain you why the kids shoudl be under scrutiny because no one here says they should be so. Except maybe a bit coin4commies but no one takes him seriously, it's like you or BADECKER who would seriously listen to such people?

Don't try to make yourself some kind of victim. We're on a clear pro-freedom forum. No one here will say we should put kids on the radar because they had a MAGA hat. No one says so, not even the leftists you hate so much.
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
Orwell was right. You are the enemy because you have actively made yourself the enemy, seeking people to victimize while you justify it with endless relativism, equivocation, and Postmodernist "logic".

You clearly never read Orwell.

His books don't talk about left and right but about control of the powerful over the people through manipulation and language transformation.

There is no political stance in Orwell's work concerning economical regulation, market or anything like this. It's only about institution, language and freedom.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
The reason you don't like the Catholic process is because the kids were not indoctrinated with ideas similar to yours.

This was the false assumption in bold.

I don't see these things as any big deal whatsoever. If you picked a baptist high school, or a muslim high school, you'd have an identical or likely worse liturgy of complaints. Same with a public high school.
The kids didn't pick the school.  Thats the point.
As for your laughable "student run protests" we know that many of them were organized and actually run by Russian communists, don't we?

I was talking about the climate march and the walk for our lives.

Got it. So you'd like to tell everyone about your agonizing history growing up in a catholic school. You'd like to skirt the issue of most "student run protests" really are designed by non-student agitators and always have been.

And none of this has anything to do with the injustice heaped on good Covington students, who were unfairly abused and attacked first by 2 groups at the event, and then by the media, including yourself.

You, like them, would like to barrage negatives on the Covington students. You'd like to point out all their faults. If it's not their fault, it's their schools' fault. They're ignorant drones. wearing MAGA hats. The schools are bad. There has to be some BAD there SOMEWHERE.

And you are on a mission to find it. Meanwhile you're ignoring, and even encouraging, the evil that's right in front of you, and us. The behavior of you, others of your persuasion, and the media toward the Covington students.

I think that's very unfair and hateful.

I haven't seen anyone make threats on those kids . .....

Of course you have not, you'd have to read something other than Pravda or the US media equivalents. They received hundreds of threats.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
The reason you don't like the Catholic process is because the kids were not indoctrinated with ideas similar to yours.

This was the false assumption in bold.

I don't see these things as any big deal whatsoever. If you picked a baptist high school, or a muslim high school, you'd have an identical or likely worse liturgy of complaints. Same with a public high school.
The kids didn't pick the school.  Thats the point.
As for your laughable "student run protests" we know that many of them were organized and actually run by Russian communists, don't we?

I was talking about the climate march and the walk for our lives.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
But with Covington your kind got caught red handed in their lies, exaggerations and totally made up crap.
False assumption. .....

No, it's not a false assumption. It's exactly what happened, isn't it?
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
No one has been able to explain to me why these kids should be under any scrutiny whatsoever. So far all I see are a bunch of bigoted and biased opinions based on some anecdotal experiences that are probably long past the norm anyway. Anything you can use to distract from the fact that the left is a mobile mob of two minutes of hate ready to lynch anyone who their corporate overlords and social media masters signal to them to attack with a few clicks of a button. This event exposed the regressive left for what they actually are a mob desperately seeking a vessel for their hatred at all costs, and never taking any accountability for the results.

If the roles had been reversed here in polar political opposites the whaling and the gnashing of teeth would never end. Facts have no relevance to these people any more, as long as they have a target to unleash their indiscriminate rage upon. This is not going to stop until people start standing up to them instead of just trying to avoid them or letting them take you hostage by being louder or more extreme in lieu of facts and logic. If not they will continue escalating until people start eventually give up turning the other cheek and start defending themselves. Then the media will cry how the conservatives perpetrated it and the mob will lap it all up and go looking for retribution, creating a feedback loop of violence. Does no one else see what is going on here? This is not a new script.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
You mentioned other, student led protests which is very different from the walk for life.  The students do not lead the walk for life.  It isn't their idea.  The catholic community has been in opposition to Roe V Wade forever.  They use the students as pawns.  

I don't see these things as any big deal whatsoever. If you picked a baptist high school, or a muslim high school, you'd have an identical or likely worse liturgy of complaints. Same with a public high school.

As for your laughable "student run protests" we know that many of them were organized and actually run by Russian communists, don't we?
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
.....Its the opinion of the school/church/parents.  These kids haven't even had sex ed.   These aren't assumptions.  I know this community.
You may know this community, but you have a way of looking at things that leads you to incorrect conclusions.

"Sex ed" is totally irrelevant to how people learn about sex. In fact school is largely irrelevant to the learning process, with certain exceptions. What you favor is cultural indoctrination, only you favor YOUR KIND OF IT WITH YOUR IDEAS.

The reason you don't like the Catholic process is because the kids were not indoctrinated with ideas similar to yours.

In the last two years there have been a large number of times schools and universities have let students off for days to engage in various kinds of protests, Covington is only unusual in that this is right wing. There's a rule set applied to right wing, it has to be harshly condemned. Another rule set applies to liberal protests, of course.

But with Covington your kind got caught red handed in their lies, exaggerations and totally made up crap.
False assumption.  I am a product of this specific type of catholic education.  These ideas were the exact ideas I was indoctrinated with as a child. I was one of these kids.

Covington is not unusual.  Catholic schools (in all conservative areas i've seen) have been doing this every year for a long time.  The "Sex ed" is abstinence only and in morality classes, they go as far as teaching that condoms and even masturbation is a grave sin because you are killing off hundreds of millions of innocent semen for your own pleasure.  They literally have the teacher rip a baby doll apart to teach kids what abortion is.  Students do not have an option to be pro choice and there is no discussion of the debate.  Its just cold-blooded baby killers vs people trying to save innocent babies.  They either learn this indoctrination or fail.  

You mentioned other, student led protests which is very different from the walk for life.  The students do not lead the walk for life.  It isn't their idea.  The catholic community has been in opposition to Roe V Wade forever.  They use the students as pawns.  

Heres how:

-Catholic schools have certain number of service hours required to graduate.  
-You do not have to go on the trip but since most kids have no organic interest in the trip, they offer a deal where going on the trip completes your entire service requirement.  
-Local churches provide free room and board in return for these foot soldiers
-Organizers create a festival-like atmosphere to make the trip seem like a fun weekend for high schoolers who aren't at all interested in the cause

Here is an excerpt from a SF event post
The parish hosts a few hundred high school and college students who cannot afford the high cost of a hotel room to sleep in the parish hall.  They’re provided with food, bathroom facilities and a comfortable floor on which to sleep; they’re also welcome to attend a parish BBQ (this year, noodles will be served and the event is called a “Wok for Life”) the evening of the Walk.  About 400 attend the BBQ, which includes testimonies and personal time with four Sisters of Life, whom the parish has flown out from New York with lodging provided by a convent nearby.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
.....Its the opinion of the school/church/parents.  These kids haven't even had sex ed.   These aren't assumptions.  I know this community.
You may know this community, but you have a way of looking at things that leads you to incorrect conclusions.

"Sex ed" is totally irrelevant to how people learn about sex. In fact school is largely irrelevant to the learning process, with certain exceptions. What you favor is cultural indoctrination, only you favor YOUR KIND OF IT WITH YOUR IDEAS.

The reason you don't like the Catholic process is because the kids were not indoctrinated with ideas similar to yours.

In the last two years there have been a large number of times schools and universities have let students off for days to engage in various kinds of protests, Covington is only unusual in that this is right wing. There's a rule set applied to right wing, it has to be harshly condemned. Another rule set applies to liberal protests, of course.

But with Covington your kind got caught red handed in their lies, exaggerations and totally made up crap.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I made clear that I am not blaming them.  I am blaming the adults who sent them.  These kids have a right to express their opinion but these aren't their opinions and they didn't organize this on their own.  Not one of them voted for Trump.  The idea that the presence of an army of kids demanding the government strip their rights is provocative should not be surprising.  Catholic school kids being pro life is not "their opinion".  Its the opinion of the school/church/parents.  These kids haven't even had sex ed.   These aren't assumptions.  I know this community.

Also, the black Israelites are not part of "the left" as you call it.  They are a far right group and are such a small, fringe group that there isn't much need to devote attention to ridiculing them.  Thats why the media isn't talking about them.  The media never talks about them because they aren't relevant.  No one is secretly on their side.   The Catholic church on the other hand is quite mainstream and yields a lot of power in society.   

Multiple groups can be wrong at the same time.

Yes, you made it very clear you are not blaming them as you then proceed to refer to them as an "army of kids" as if they are in the Congo brandishing AK-47s. So you are the arbiter of what are their opinions, and which opinions are valid for them to hold? Who gives you or anyone else the right to make that determination and judge their opinions invalid? I never said The Black Israelite were the left, but that does not prevent them from participating in the crybully tactics of the left. You do nothing but run around victimizing people, then when they react you take everything out of context and proclaim it as the worst travesty to ever befall mankind.

This is why the left needs to get more and more extreme, because it is the only way they can keep people from flooding out of the left completely, because if they didn't have extremists, the left would have no one supporting them at all. Speaking of "mainstream" how much power does the mainstream media have in propagating lies against them resulting in direct threats to their lives?
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
Advocating for the genocide of political opposition... quite liberal. No one has explained to me what these kids are guilty of yet, but why let that hinder you using them as a receptacle for your hatred? They are white and conservative after all, so they are "fair game" right? Guilty by virtue of the simple fact they dare exist in YOUR world.
I don't blame the kids, I blame the adults in charge of them.  The school and the parents are guilty of using children as pawns in a war for women's rights; the nastiest, most emotionally charged social war in this country right now.  Its no place for children.  Surely,  you understand that the MAGA hat in itself is a provocative political statement?  

Yes, everyone including children have a right to be politically active, but this isn't that.  I'm quite familiar with Catholic schools and the way these trips work and know enough to say that the adults in the community are absolute cowards for sending uninformed children into this fight.  

It would be different if the students came to these conclusions on their own but they didn't, they were indoctrinated and weaponized before they were old enough to understand.  They are political child soldiers.

So who is being nasty and emotionally charged? Interesting you blame them for some how evoking that by their mere presence, but the people actually acting out the nasty and emotionally charged part are some how not at fault, but the boys are for "reasons". Essentially now your argument is if you are under 18 you have no right to have an opinion and express it in public?

Who says they were used, you? Just because they support a cause you don't agree with they are automatically guilty and deserve everything that happened right? Wearing a MAGA hat is only provocative to lunatics that can't handle people who have differing opinions than them, and then attempt to attack or shame them into compliance like the street thug brown shirts you are.

You make lots of assumptions about these kids, their beliefs, how they came to them, their parents, but not once do you address the racial slurs hurled at them, the attempts at intimidating them, the threats of violence, or the media lies to cover it up. It is almost like the left never takes any responsibility for its actions instead opting to instead continue to threaten children with violence rather than admit they were lied to and they made a mistake.

This whole event was a textbook example of the "cry bully" tactics of the left, and the media literally willing to put children at risk of violence just to get some more views and support their own political bias. You keep pretending like these kids did anything wrong. Keep exposing yourselves for the unhinged lunatics indiscriminately lashing out desperately seeking any vessel for your hatred while you simultaneously project that image onto your opponent to absolve yourself of any guilt over it.
I made clear that I am not blaming them.  I am blaming the adults who sent them.  These kids have a right to express their opinion but these aren't their opinions and they didn't organize this on their own.  Not one of them voted for Trump.  The idea that the presence of an army of kids demanding the government strip their rights is provocative should not be surprising.  Catholic school kids being pro life is not "their opinion".  Its the opinion of the school/church/parents.  These kids haven't even had sex ed.   These aren't assumptions.  I know this community.

Also, the black Israelites are not part of "the left" as you call it.  They are a far right group and are such a small, fringe group that there isn't much need to devote attention to ridiculing them.  Thats why the media isn't talking about them.  The media never talks about them because they aren't relevant.  No one is secretly on their side.   The Catholic church on the other hand is quite mainstream and yields a lot of power in society.   

Multiple groups can be wrong at the same time.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I anyone else seeing a theme of people who disagree changing the subject to other peripheral issues? I wonder why...
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
The MAGA hat isn't a "provocative political statement." It's a hat that was a trademark of the MAJORITY VOTE IN THE LAST ELECTION.

Actually Trump won the presidency with a minority of the vote, not majority. Far more people voted for Hillary than Trump. 2.87 million as a matter of fact.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
The MAGA hat isn't a "provocative political statement." It's a hat that was a trademark of the MAJORITY VOTE IN THE LAST ELECTION. The reaction to it was provocation, direct and simple.

I think more importantly this demonstrates the "logic" of the left.

- You make a legal statement I don't like.

- I can not control myself as a result. You are at fault for me not being able to control myself.

- End the ability to have free speech because I might not be able to control myself.

- If you do not comply to my demands I will be able to control myself even less and will become violent.

- When it comes time for accountability for my actions I will be absolved because you provoked me by having opinions I can not resist reacting with violence to

- this is all your fault

- I don't like when you point out the contradictions in my reasoning

- repeat step 1
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