
Topic: Evil MAGA hat kids from Covington School VS Native American - page 3. (Read 1028 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Advocating for the genocide of political opposition... quite liberal. No one has explained to me what these kids are guilty of yet, but why let that hinder you using them as a receptacle for your hatred? They are white and conservative after all, so they are "fair game" right? Guilty by virtue of the simple fact they dare exist in YOUR world.
I don't blame the kids, I blame the adults in charge of them.  The school and the parents are guilty of using children as pawns in a war for women's rights; the nastiest, most emotionally charged social war in this country right now.  Its no place for children.  Surely,  you understand that the MAGA hat in itself is a provocative political statement?  

Yes, everyone including children have a right to be politically active, but this isn't that.  I'm quite familiar with Catholic schools and the way these trips work and know enough to say that the adults in the community are absolute cowards for sending uninformed children into this fight.  

It would be different if the students came to these conclusions on their own but they didn't, they were indoctrinated and weaponized before they were old enough to understand.  They are political child soldiers.

The MAGA hat isn't a "provocative political statement." It's a hat that was a trademark of the MAJORITY VOTE IN THE LAST ELECTION. The reaction to it was provocation, direct and simple.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Advocating for the genocide of political opposition... quite liberal. No one has explained to me what these kids are guilty of yet, but why let that hinder you using them as a receptacle for your hatred? They are white and conservative after all, so they are "fair game" right? Guilty by virtue of the simple fact they dare exist in YOUR world.
I don't blame the kids, I blame the adults in charge of them.  The school and the parents are guilty of using children as pawns in a war for women's rights; the nastiest, most emotionally charged social war in this country right now.  Its no place for children.  Surely,  you understand that the MAGA hat in itself is a provocative political statement?  

Yes, everyone including children have a right to be politically active, but this isn't that.  I'm quite familiar with Catholic schools and the way these trips work and know enough to say that the adults in the community are absolute cowards for sending uninformed children into this fight.  

It would be different if the students came to these conclusions on their own but they didn't, they were indoctrinated and weaponized before they were old enough to understand.  They are political child soldiers.

So who is being nasty and emotionally charged? Interesting you blame them for some how evoking that by their mere presence, but the people actually acting out the nasty and emotionally charged part are some how not at fault, but the boys are for "reasons". Essentially now your argument is if you are under 18 you have no right to have an opinion and express it in public?

Who says they were used, you? Just because they support a cause you don't agree with they are automatically guilty and deserve everything that happened right? Wearing a MAGA hat is only provocative to lunatics that can't handle people who have differing opinions than them, and then attempt to attack or shame them into compliance like the street thug brown shirts you are.

You make lots of assumptions about these kids, their beliefs, how they came to them, their parents, but not once do you address the racial slurs hurled at them, the attempts at intimidating them, the threats of violence, or the media lies to cover it up. It is almost like the left never takes any responsibility for its actions instead opting to instead continue to threaten children with violence rather than admit they were lied to and they made a mistake.

This whole event was a textbook example of the "cry bully" tactics of the left, and the media literally willing to put children at risk of violence just to get some more views and support their own political bias. You keep pretending like these kids did anything wrong. Keep exposing yourselves for the unhinged lunatics indiscriminately lashing out desperately seeking any vessel for your hatred while you simultaneously project that image onto your opponent to absolve yourself of any guilt over it.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
Advocating for the genocide of political opposition... quite liberal. No one has explained to me what these kids are guilty of yet, but why let that hinder you using them as a receptacle for your hatred? They are white and conservative after all, so they are "fair game" right? Guilty by virtue of the simple fact they dare exist in YOUR world.
I don't blame the kids, I blame the adults in charge of them.  The school and the parents are guilty of using children as pawns in a war for women's rights; the nastiest, most emotionally charged social war in this country right now.  Its no place for children.  Surely,  you understand that the MAGA hat in itself is a provocative political statement?  

Yes, everyone including children have a right to be politically active, but this isn't that.  I'm quite familiar with Catholic schools and the way these trips work and know enough to say that the adults in the community are absolute cowards for sending uninformed children into this fight.  

It would be different if the students came to these conclusions on their own but they didn't, they were indoctrinated and weaponized before they were old enough to understand.  They are political child soldiers.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I am sure a lot of you like me tried really hard to ignore this situation as it was clearly a non-story, but the way the MSM has been covering it, the fact that it is a non-story has itself become a story.

This event was very telling of how willing the media is to lie and scream racism at the expense of causing children and their families to be mobbed, threatened, and harassed based on no evidence and how the irrational psychotic hatred manifests from the left for anyone they see simply supporting Trump.

In their mind the only way you could ever support him is if you are an active card carrying member of the KKK with a full swastika tattoo on your chest, therefore violence is justified. After all he is Hitler, and his followers are Nazis, so it is only just to stop them with violence isn't it? This event just showed how eager the left is to kill when the media tells them to. This is symptomatic of a very dangerous and serious trend not just in the US, but world wide.


The historical antecedent for this type of behavior was a pre-WW2 phenomena in Germany today called "brownshirts." The tactics and methods of the brownshirts pre-WW2 are EXACTLY what is being promulgated today. The MSM's Covington warping-of-the-story to meet the predetermined objectives is an excellent example, but only one of many.

For those who have not heard the term "brownshirt", here is Wikipedia's summary. Bolding is mine.

The Sturmabteilung....literally Storm Detachment, was the Nazi Party's original paramilitary. It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Its primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Red Front Fighters League (Rotfrontkämpferbund) of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), and intimidating Romanis, trade unionists, and, especially, Jews – for instance, during the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses.

The SA were also called the "Brownshirts" (Braunhemden) from the color of their uniform shirts, similar to Benito Mussolini's blackshirts. The SA developed pseudo-military titles for its members, with ranks that were later adopted by several other Nazi Party groups, chief amongst them the Schutzstaffel (SS), which originated as a branch of the SA before being separated. Brown-colored shirts were chosen as the SA uniform because a large number of them were cheaply available after World War I.....
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Advocating for the genocide of political opposition... quite liberal. No one has explained to me what these kids are guilty of yet, but why let that hinder you using them as a receptacle for your hatred? They are white and conservative after all, so they are "fair game" right? Guilty by virtue of the simple fact they dare exist in YOUR world.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
So as we can see the posters here who disagree are having a hard time making any arguments related to the medias lies regarding the Covington students in DC. Due to the fact they have no excuse for their violent mobbing behavior the left has managed to demonstrate itself as consisting of mobs of unhinged people willing to silence, harass, threaten, and violently attack people in order to punish those with whom they disagree. In the case of the forum distraction and selective enforcement of rules seems to be the predominant tactic since none of them can present a valid argument in defense of these actions.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
So riots should be allowed, and riots only happen justly? What? Children are separated from adults at the border TO PREVENT THEM FROM BEING RAPED by adult migrants. Not that you give a good god damned about any of them. Also what does any of this have to do with the topic? Oh right nothing, this is just yet another desperate attempt to slide the topic off into another direction by embarrassed lefties.
Other than the sports riots, riots typically only happen because of genuine anger.  I can't think of a riot where the people were just pretending to be angry.  Maybe you can find one, because thats what you do and it would be the exception to the majority.

Also, we wouldn't need to worry about them being raped if you didn't incarcerate them in the first place.  The notion was not "separation vs consolidated detention" but "separation vs open borders".
ANTIFA is a terrorist organization, and if anyone doubts me look up the definition of terrorism, then go on Youtube and put in the search phrase "ANTIFA attacks" and see for yourself. This is the kind of lunacy the left uses to justify their mobbing and violence against anyone who dares question them. They sell each other the delusion that they are fighting nazis, so if they imagine REAL HARD that its true, it is ok to use violence to achieve your political goals according to them.
Antifa is not a terrorist organization because it is not an organization at all.  The name means they are fighting fascists so thats what it should be but just like with anything, just because the history and name says one thing, doesn't mean every independent group would act consistently.  Priests raping children does not mean Christianity is about raping children.
"Antifa" is an umbrella term for a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals.[13] Since it is composed of autonomous groups, and thus has no formal organization or membership,[24][38] it is impossible to know how many groups are active. Antifa groups either form loose support networks, such as NYC Antifa, or operate independently.[39] Activists typically organize protests via social media and through websites and email lists.[24][38] Some activists have built peer-to-peer networks, or use encrypted-texting services like Signal.[40] According to Salon, it is an organizing strategy, not a group of people.[41] While its numbers cannot be estimated accurately, the movement has grown since the 2016 presidential election and approximately 200 groups currently exist in the US, of varying sizes and levels of engagement.[27] The activists involved subscribe to a range of ideologies, typically on the left and they include anarchists, socialists and communists along with some liberals and social democrats.

What? First of all - define conservatives.

People who want to keep things as they are, as they have been in the past, and generally, as they have always been.
Activity: 325
Merit: 26

What? First of all - define conservatives.

Oh. I see your point. If the purpose of the state is to uphold the social contract - namely "I promise not to kill you and take your stuff if you promise not to kill me and take mine." then of course the state is there to protect and defend conservatives as opposed to everyone else.

So you want a revolution to bring about your expected nirvana.

Sorry Charlie. That ain't gonna fly.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Tell me, when was the last time you saw mobs of conservatives sending people to hospitals, going to the homes of media pundits, or just randomly harassing and attacking people physically? Oh never? Yet if I put "ANTIFA attack" into youtube HUNDREDS of examples of political violence against conservatives and just generally uninvolved people pop up.

The state, by default carries out violence on behalf of conservatives.  The status quo is conservative by nature.  This is why calls for "civility" and "tame protest" are being accurately categorized as fascist.  Conservative activists never had to put people in gas chambers and today, they don't have to squash riots in Missouri, or separate families at the border.  The police, founded in this country as slave patrol, are still harassing and physically attacking people of color on video out in the open.  ANTIFA are literally the only thing holding back full blown nazism.  All of the so called free speech advocates working to give neonazis a voice are complicit in the violence they dream of carrying out.

The fact that this is even in your top 100 list of bad things happening to kids suggests that you empathize more deeply with white children and disregard the innocence of other children.  You will deny it but we post about the things we subconsciously care more about and your post record is telling.  All I can remember is how you blew off the deaths of migrant children at the hands of CBP.  

Oooh I see, so the conservatives are responsible for all deeds of state now.

"The status quo is conservative by nature", ok let's ignore the horrible fucking syntax here and assume you are trying to say Conservatives are inherently pro-status quo. This is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Also setting fire to a building is changing the status quo. Just because you are changing the status quo does not make it a good change automatically. Your argument is invalid, even IF you could prove it, which you can't.

"This is why calls for "civility" and "tame protest" are being accurately categorized as fascist. "

What... the fuck are you even... is this the kind of shit leftists tell each other behind closed doors to rationalize violence?

"Conservative activists never had to put people in gas chambers and today, they don't have to squash riots in Missouri, or separate families at the border."

Again, you are drifting way off into lefty lala land giving zero substantiation for your quite extreme and irrational statements. So riots should be allowed, and riots only happen justly? What? Children are separated from adults at the border TO PREVENT THEM FROM BEING RAPED by adult migrants. Not that you give a good god damned about any of them. Also what does any of this have to do with the topic? Oh right nothing, this is just yet another desperate attempt to slide the topic off into another direction by embarrassed lefties.

ANTIFA is a terrorist organization, and if anyone doubts me look up the definition of terrorism, then go on Youtube and put in the search phrase "ANTIFA attacks" and see for yourself. This is the kind of lunacy the left uses to justify their mobbing and violence against anyone who dares question them. They sell each other the delusion that they are fighting nazis, so if they imagine REAL HARD that its true, it is ok to use violence to achieve your political goals according to them.

For the third time also, this event itself was meaningless. What offends people and was actually dangerous was how the media lied about it and promoted mob activity against these children. The left frothing at the mouth and insane as ever gleefully lit their torches and started attacking and threatening these kids and no one would correct the story or take ANY accountability whatsoever. In fact when confronted with the truth they made up MORE LIES about these kids to cover up for their own frothing lunacy and baseless attacks.

This is more important because the mob of angry idiots that calls itself the left are creating the conditions for a violent civil war, and they are completely unaware of it or the consequences of this. You are playing revolutionary, you aren't revolutionary. Get violent and watch all of your hipster lefty friends get fucked into the dirt and be too scared to ever show their faces in public again. You retards have been warned, people aren't going to tolerate this violence against them forever.

full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
Tell me, when was the last time you saw mobs of conservatives sending people to hospitals, going to the homes of media pundits, or just randomly harassing and attacking people physically? Oh never? Yet if I put "ANTIFA attack" into youtube HUNDREDS of examples of political violence against conservatives and just generally uninvolved people pop up.

The state, by default carries out violence on behalf of conservatives.  The status quo is conservative by nature.  This is why calls for "civility" and "tame protest" are being accurately categorized as fascist.  Conservative activists never had to put people in gas chambers and today, they don't have to squash riots in Missouri, or separate families at the border.  The police, founded in this country as slave patrol, are still harassing and physically attacking people of color on video out in the open.  ANTIFA are literally the only thing holding back full blown nazism.  All of the so called free speech advocates working to give neonazis a voice are complicit in the violence they dream of carrying out.

The fact that this is even in your top 100 list of bad things happening to kids suggests that you empathize more deeply with white children and disregard the innocence of other children.  You will deny it but we post about the things we subconsciously care more about and your post record is telling.  All I can remember is how you blew off the deaths of migrant children at the hands of CBP.  
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
So many conservatives were all too quick to throw these guys under the bus.

Which is precisely the goal of this harassing and mobbing behavior, to intimidate people into going against their beliefs. It is almost as if it precisely fits the definition of terrorism...
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
So many conservatives were all too quick to throw these guys under the bus.

But every day, hundreds of thousands more wake up to the deliberate lies of the media and the powers behind the "Left."

And this has turned out that way. Be gracious, give them a chance to repent.

copper member
Activity: 70
Merit: 2
So many conservatives were all too quick to throw these guys under the bus.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I don't really see anyone here claiming the kid is a hero. I do however see lots of willfully ignorant people demonizing children who did nothing other than wear a hat that people are conditioned to think it is ok to be irrationally hostile and violent over.

I'm good with calling the kid a hero because he stood up to at least 3 factions (A) Nutcase Indian (B) Nutcase Black Israeli wannabes (C) media ...

... with a smile on his face.
Activity: 325
Merit: 26
The kids and school have a long history of being extremely racist.  These boys weren't provoking this situation and were just minding their business on a an innocent little school trip to protest for their right to control women's bodies.

Could you provide evidence for that?

So you believe that PEOPLE have a right to their bodies? I do to.

If you have control over your own body then drug laws should be repealed; prostitution laws should be repealed; as should all gambling laws.

Furthermore if you have control over your own body then the state should not force motorists to wear seat belts or helmets (if a motorcycle).  After all you control your own body do you not?

Now. I do believe I own my own body. Do you?
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Amen!! As a mod lib, this shit is a no issue. Who gives a flying fuck if two groups of random citizens disagree with each other at a protest?  The current antagonistic political climate is the only reason I have to keep reading about this. Both sides have ran with this story; it's so inflated its meaningless. Fuck the Elder, fuck those kids. I hope that's sufficiently neutral XD.

I just cant give a fuck about people getting offended at a protest.about something as divisive a reproductive rights. And I question the judgement of allowing 16 year old kids to even attend some shit like this (this is a Catholic school, damned kids cant even legally fuck yet). Sex education for Catholics is a non starter, but yet we allow the kids to go to something like this..

Let's focus on why we are easing sanctions on Russian oligarchs with proven ties to Russian intelligence. Let's talk about being in the middle of the longest government shutdown in American history. Let's talk about Maduro expelling all US diplomats and closing all embassies in reaction to a tweet. And let's hear Cohens testimony in open Congressional session.

That, my friends, is the hot topic for the week.

Sadly enough, for the right There is no neutral. You're either on their side if you agree with them 100%, or on the ennemy side if you have even a slight difference....

So you're the ennemy because you havent said the kid is a hero. Even though he's clearly an asshole too.

That is funny. "The right" can at least have a discussion including facts, logic, and critical thinking. It seems to me the sole weapon of the left now days is projection. Orwell was right. You are the enemy because you have actively made yourself the enemy, seeking people to victimize while you justify it with endless relativism, equivocation, and Postmodernist "logic".

I don't really see anyone here claiming the kid is a hero. I do however see lots of willfully ignorant people demonizing children who did nothing other than wear a hat that people are conditioned to think it is ok to be irrationally hostile and violent over.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 252
I think you forgot about all the calls for violence against the kids, and harassment by the hate group at the event against the kids.

The kids likely have a case for defamation against many in the MSM along with the Phillips fellow.

You're talking about how the media handled it.

I'm talking about the event in itself.

The coverage and consequences are what they are but the event in itself is pure void. The native american did nothing wrong and the kid did nothing wrong. Anyone crying at what has happenned is a pussy. This is nothing, this is a non event.

USA shouldn't even be aware it happened.

Still the whole country focused on this nothingness like flies on a big pile of shit.

Amen!! As a mod lib, this shit is a no issue. Who gives a flying fuck if two groups of random citizens disagree with each other at a protest?  The current antagonistic political climate is the only reason I have to keep reading about this. Both sides have ran with this story; it's so inflated its meaningless. Fuck the Elder, fuck those kids. I hope that's sufficiently neutral XD.

I just cant give a fuck about people getting offended at a protest.about something as divisive a reproductive rights. And I question the judgement of allowing 16 year old kids to even attend some shit like this (this is a Catholic school, damned kids cant even legally fuck yet). Sex education for Catholics is a non starter, but yet we allow the kids to go to something like this..

Let's focus on why we are easing sanctions on Russian oligarchs with proven ties to Russian intelligence. Let's talk about being in the middle of the longest government shutdown in American history. Let's talk about Maduro expelling all US diplomats and closing all embassies in reaction to a tweet. And let's hear Cohens testimony in open Congressional session.

That, my friends, is the hot topic for the week.

Sadly enough, for the right There is no neutral. You're either on their side if you agree with them 100%, or on the ennemy side if you have even a slight difference....

So you're the ennemy because you havent said the kid is a hero. Even though he's clearly an asshole too.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
At @Spendulus, I will concede that those investigations are not specifically aimed at Hillary during their creation, but the spirit/scope of the investigation was essentially thus. Had I said "Clinton Investigation", mayhaps I would have been more on target. My bad, and thank you for catching that. I concur, I have seen lesser crimes in the same vein get way harsher punishment; "money talks" is all I have to say to that!  Grin

By the way, with me and pretty much all those I know, the issues about Hillary are not about Hillary per se being under prosecuted, or Trump's associates being overprotected, but how this is indicative of attitudes and actions of our leaders.

In other words, what can we learn of what really goes on in DC from these events?

We know that much of it is not aligned with the desires of the people of the country.

Back on the subject of Hillary, no, there were NEVER fishing expeditions with either her or her husband's antics. None. Because it's all right out in the open, there's no reason at all to deny this or make excuses about it. All of the vindictive, presumptive slander directed at Trump is quite unprecedented.

At the same time, you have a number of changes in the very nature of the Democratic Party. It's virtually unrecognizable to that of ten years ago.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1048
Quote from: TECSHARE
Now why would I make any conclusions about your political leanings when you immediately jump to distract and change the topic from one of the biggest embarrassments and exposures of the left's unhinged behavior coupled with media complicity?

Noone really gives a damn about this but you and Breitbart right now  Wink But as far as you making assumptions, I dunno, you tell me..

Quote from: TECSHARE
Leftists have been getting increasingly violent, hysterical, and detached from reality, and you aren't helping their case with your obsessive insistence on changing the topic so people like you don't have to feel the pain and take a good hard look at the results of the ideologies you support.

Quote from: TECSHARE
Frankly I couldn't give a shit less what your stance is, your topics of discussion scream "I believe anything I am told by the media".

You kind of already did LOL, so I was going to set you straight, but I see you have this thing figured out already  Grin

Quote from: TECSHARE
The fact that you are covering up for the harassment and death threats made to children here says plenty about your leanings.

I'm glad you didn't make any assumptions LMAO.

It's funny, you decry the mainstream media and its effect on 'gullible' Leftist (through the stoking of false outrage against the boys, by your charge), yet you fail to see the effects of the media YOU ingest.

You are sitting here yelling at us about some random ass kids that no one gives a fuck about. You are spending time out of your day to talk to an echo chamber (the Politics board) to achieve what?  Huh Ok, assume you are right. Kids are still gonna be blacklisted forever. Mainstream media has moved on to important shit. What did you hope to achieve with all of this? It seems like you are having a pity party and you are looking for guests to invite. You are displaying characteristics I associate with the 'derangement syndrome' everyone gets accused of having.

All because a talking head on a conservative blog told you the 'radical left' did a bad thing (it sounds stupid when you make assumptions about your opponent's experience in a debate, see what I meant?).  We wont even talk about the fact many conservative pundits condemned the boys as well. No, let's make this a left/right thing. Your topic is meaningless. Let me be plain; you are a hypocrite if this attack offends you, but Hogg doesn't. You are the one trying to claim moral high ground. I simply dont care about any of it. I would have to care about the opinions of you and others to waste the energy to "cover this up".

You screaming about unhinged leftism as if you know me/us, isn't about to change anyone's mind on this forum bro. Left or right. You are part of the problem. You stoke the fires of outrage to forge nothing. And in that, you serve to perpetuate the agenda of the talking heads you subscribe to. You condemn the left for its poor reaction, yet you parrot the reactionary outrage of Fox and Friends. Media bad cuz kids sad! Mean left pick on kids, must defend! This is just as fucking dumb as the lefts initial reaction of condemnation without investigation. Your words are a distraction from what really matters.

I guess that's what I was trying to say on my original post, but not so bluntly as I was trying to keep it civil.

If my indifference feels like a misdirection to you, meh. I'll sleep tonight, dont worry. Like a little soy boy SJW baby 😂🤣

At @Spendulus, I will concede that those investigations are not specifically aimed at Hillary during their creation, but the spirit/scope of the investigation was essentially thus. Had I said "Clinton Investigation", mayhaps I would have been more on target. My bad, and thank you for catching that. I concur, I have seen lesser crimes in the same vein get way harsher punishment; "money talks" is all I have to say to that!  Grin

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