INFO 00:13:26: GPUX devfee Accepted share
But sometimes show:
INFO 00:13:26: GPUX devfee rejected share
I don't konw what's wrong with my computer or software or my network?
PLS help me to fix.....
You can disable developer fee by adding "--fee 0" to your miner parameters
There is nothing to fix from your side.
And it is not by not paying the developper's fee (yeah devfee) that you will help making a better miner.
Please DO NOT follow advice from someone that knows less than you (by --fee 0).
Yes,I agree with you.
But I count the devfee share today, its more than 2%......more than double ever.....
I find sometime's file to count it,
about 251 devfee share, and 5881 accepted share