every time you stake, your coins get split into 2 "stacks." so if you start with 1000 coins, the first time you stake it will get split into two "stacks" of 500 coins. those stacks in theory would have less weight against the entire network and would have lower odds of staking. at least this is what ive understood from how the wallet works. so what some do is use the coin control features to combine those stacks by essentially sending your balance to yourself using this method:
under settings: options: display tab, enable coin control features. from there go to receive coins and copy your wallet address, then go to send coins and click on inputs. this brings you to your coin stacks. check each box (warning you cant select ones in red which are still confirming) then send your entire balance (minus fee) to your own wallet. this creates one big stack again.
in theory this increases your chances of larger stakes, i once left the small stacks alone and was receiving many smaller rewards each day but no large ones as the "stacks" kept splitting exponentially. i think if you reconsolidate periodically it is probably best. some coins do this automatically in their wallets.
The question is : I can stake only once ? Or i stake 1st time collect the money from minting and leave the wallet opened and collect more money ...
Or I have to send my self my money to be able to stake once and repeat 2nd step ? Pls answer
i was staking a few times, then when there got to be around a dozen inputs i would consolidate them back into one. not sure what the best strategy is, and things might change with the new wallet.