
Topic: Exposure to bitcoin at young age - page 4. (Read 1014 times)

sr. member
Activity: 771
Merit: 293
May 30, 2024, 08:27:14 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general ?
Young age ranges from 15 to 25 years old. If you wish to teach them about Bitcoin and how it works, that is fine. However, teaching those who are interested is better than pushing those who are not. Also, don't make it the main issue; they have a lot to learn in life.

However, those who have the required patience can make very high returns on their investment by investing at an young age.
This is risky since the focus is on making money using Bitcoin, so this is not necessary. Moreover, at that age, they don't have a fixed income.
Activity: 171
Merit: 58
Free City Individual
May 30, 2024, 08:00:23 AM
I believe it's really important for kids to start learning about Bitcoin and investing at the age of 8+. When we teach our children about crypto from a young age, it sets them up for success in life, not just in the world of cryptocurrency. Since our kids' future will involve digital currencies, they must understand the world of digital currencies.
Activity: 2408
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Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
May 30, 2024, 07:06:34 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general?
If I may ask, what's your definition of young age? Do you mean children between the age bracket of 5yrs to 14yrs? Or do you mean teens between the age bracket of 15yrs to 18yrs? Because if you mean teens between the age bracket of 15yrs to 18yrs, then i see nothing wrong if they are been thought about this trending technology called Bitcoin, because the earlier our teens are been expose to this new tech, the more they get interested in it when they grow up. Hence, Bitcoin as a digital currency shouldn't be limited to only people of certain grade or age level, because the earlier we introduce them to this new tech, the more we tend to prevent them from falling victim to Bitcoin related scams, simply because they have already known how the system works.

I'm wondering about this too, I don't know what age the OP is talking about is appropriate for us to educate them about bitcoin. I fully welcome and support if we spend time educating bitcoin to the younger generation aged 18 and over, who are prepared or no longer dependent on their parents and they are looking for a successful path in their lives.

But if the OP is trying to say that educating children under 10 years old about bitcoin or children who don't even know how to make money is still dependent on subsidies from their families then that's a bad idea. Even though bitcoin is for everyone and early bitcoin education is considered an advantage for them later in life, I don't think it's appropriate to teach investing to very young children. Just like we need to go to elementary school before going to college, everything needs to be in the right order for each age group.
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
May 30, 2024, 06:52:31 AM
Gaining knowledge about bitcoin is never an issue regardless of their young age, but the problem is if these young guys are actually interested to learn about bitcoin. Because no matter how you push someone to be acquainted and be educated about bitcoin, as long as he is not eager to learn, he will still become clueless in the end.

I don’t have opposition if young guys are exposed to bitcoin, if they will decide to invest, let them be but as much as possible, they should get a job first before risking into any investment. And be properly guided as well before deciding to invest.
Yes that's right it's good to teach young people about bitcoin but they need to want to learn. If they are not interested they won't understand it well. I also worry about young people investing in bitcoin without knowing what they're doing. Like they have a simple mind set buy the dip and sell in pumping they don't want yo learn the purpose of Bitcoin they just want to trade. That is okay if they are trading but thing is that they must have knowledge about which they are trading. They should learn about money and economics get a steady job and get good advice before investing in bitcoin. This will help them make smart choices and avoid problems.

From what I see, even today's investors only see bitcoin as a speculative tool, they don't take the time to learn about it and don't care what it is. What they care about is its volatility and exploiting it for profit, whether we like it or not, believe it or not but what I see is that bitcoin is only seen as a tool to make money. That's why I don't advocate introducing bitcoin into school curricula or teaching bitcoin to young children.

I am not against teaching bitcoin to the youth because they are the future of the world, but we need to introduce it to the right age group as well as have a systematic curriculum so that they do not get caught up in the games make money quickly.

How do you think we can create a curriculum that educates the youth about Bitcoin's technology and potential without encouraging a get-rich-quick mentality?
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
May 30, 2024, 06:50:53 AM
Firstly of all let’s treat bitcoin as a currency first, as currency then it is fair to expose children to it because with this they will learn just another means of making payments not using fiat. To me it is a new technology and should be taught nothing more about it.

Now to the other side of bitcoin which is investing or even trading I think this should definitely be secular, it is not proper exposing children to risky investments, if you feel there investment should be in bitcoin you has the guiding can actually purchase and hold it for them till it gets to time where they can make decisions for themselves.

As for trading we should never expose children to it, they can learn it’s analysis like the TA but they shouldn’t trade most especially futures, it only exposes them to gambling
Interesting perspective! Treating Bitcoin as a currency first makes sense, especially for educational purposes. How do you think schools should approach teaching kids about Bitcoin?
full member
Activity: 1251
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May 30, 2024, 06:38:51 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general ? I feel it should be taught based on individual personality and not to very young guy. This is because all young guys might not be responsible enough to invest and track with patience at young age. However, those who have the required patience can make very high returns on their investment by investing at an young age. So, which side are you in this aspect ? Do you feel that all young guys should be informed and educated about bitcoin ? 
I think informing the young guys about bitcoin is good,if they know it earlier then they will be prepared in the future,and if bitcoin boom they will have a big profit in the near future,the problem there is not all of the young guy will have a patience to hold maybe we still need to teach them first to have a big patience because if they don't have a patience they will surely lose at the end.
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May 30, 2024, 06:04:23 AM
Since children and adolescents have ample study time at primary level and secondary level, this time should be limited to studies and not spent on other activities.
I agree that children should only focus on studying as much as they can however I think letting them know about bitcoin gives them another opportunity or another path of career. They might figure out later on that they might be interested in finance or in technology.

Let’s also not forget that not all children are able to finish their studies. By giving them a chance to learn about bitcoin, they can learn how to invest and finally make a living of their own.
Yes, focusing on money when you are young is not that great, but there are two things that I would like to show as a perspective.

One of them is the fact that there are kids who needs to go out and make money to support their family even when they are very young, I was one of those kids and I worked with a mechanic (for bikes and not cars) for 4 years when I was a kid and I made some money to support my family, I basically covered my own costs and didn't cost them anything for that 4 years, then I worked as a hotel bellboy for another few years to support myself during college years and pay for my education, but then father got a good money so I didn't had to work until I got married a few years later after I graduated. So it is not really optional for some kids, they have to learn.
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Activity: 1176
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Next Generation Web3 Casino
May 30, 2024, 03:15:52 AM
The first question is how much your kids get paid per year? if you said he's unemployed and he only get pocket money from his dad, believe me, as much as he can invest every week, his dad will earn more.

I doubt kids can earn "very high return" when they didn't have any jobs yet, while their dad already have jobs and able to earn "very high return" as long as they're financially good.

Exposing Bitcoin to kids isn't about high return, but it's to teach them to not get scammed by investing in Bitcoin and know how to protect their wealth.
Your doubts can now be refuted because currently there are many young people who earn income from YouTube in various countries who are successful and have a lot of money and there are also many friends who earn income from YouTube who have entered the world of Bitcoin investment, they save it as a investment. assets, so what is meant by young people today are young people who are lazy and just waiting for their pocket money at home, this is the lazy generation in my opinion.
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 363
May 30, 2024, 03:08:43 AM
Gaining knowledge about bitcoin is never an issue regardless of their young age, but the problem is if these young guys are actually interested to learn about bitcoin. Because no matter how you push someone to be acquainted and be educated about bitcoin, as long as he is not eager to learn, he will still become clueless in the end.

I don’t have opposition if young guys are exposed to bitcoin, if they will decide to invest, let them be but as much as possible, they should get a job first before risking into any investment. And be properly guided as well before deciding to invest.
Yes that's right it's good to teach young people about bitcoin but they need to want to learn. If they are not interested they won't understand it well. I also worry about young people investing in bitcoin without knowing what they're doing. Like they have a simple mind set buy the dip and sell in pumping they don't want yo learn the purpose of Bitcoin they just want to trade. That is okay if they are trading but thing is that they must have knowledge about which they are trading. They should learn about money and economics get a steady job and get good advice before investing in bitcoin. This will help them make smart choices and avoid problems.

From what I see, even today's investors only see bitcoin as a speculative tool, they don't take the time to learn about it and don't care what it is. What they care about is its volatility and exploiting it for profit, whether we like it or not, believe it or not but what I see is that bitcoin is only seen as a tool to make money. That's why I don't advocate introducing bitcoin into school curricula or teaching bitcoin to young children.

I am not against teaching bitcoin to the youth because they are the future of the world, but we need to introduce it to the right age group as well as have a systematic curriculum so that they do not get caught up in the games make money quickly.

This is why we see these people failing since they are over exaggerated on their thinking about getting profits from bitcoin while the fact with that is its hard to earn with it if they will come to it and trade. If they just think about that bitcoin is alternative currency for them and this coin is good for long term hold then provably that losing is less for them to experience since they are more dealing with it on a nice way.

I'm also not a fan for teaching kids about this since what I think its not a perfect time to learn about this. Their are more other things that they need to focus like finish schooling and build up their character in their community. But if they can't avoid to learn about this but they make sure that their priority is to finish their studies until college since this will give them proper security since there's lots of things they could able to do if they are college graduate. Rather than think about learning bitcoin early and earn from it since maybe there are instances that they don't need to finish college since they are already earning since this is a bad choice for them. Maybe they really earn fast if they are lucky but for sure everything is not consistent so they should be wise for their future.
copper member
Activity: 2282
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🍓 BALIK Never DM First
May 30, 2024, 02:52:53 AM
Gaining knowledge about bitcoin is never an issue regardless of their young age, but the problem is if these young guys are actually interested to learn about bitcoin. Because no matter how you push someone to be acquainted and be educated about bitcoin, as long as he is not eager to learn, he will still become clueless in the end.

I don’t have opposition if young guys are exposed to bitcoin, if they will decide to invest, let them be but as much as possible, they should get a job first before risking into any investment. And be properly guided as well before deciding to invest.
Yes that's right it's good to teach young people about bitcoin but they need to want to learn. If they are not interested they won't understand it well. I also worry about young people investing in bitcoin without knowing what they're doing. Like they have a simple mind set buy the dip and sell in pumping they don't want yo learn the purpose of Bitcoin they just want to trade. That is okay if they are trading but thing is that they must have knowledge about which they are trading. They should learn about money and economics get a steady job and get good advice before investing in bitcoin. This will help them make smart choices and avoid problems.

From what I see, even today's investors only see bitcoin as a speculative tool, they don't take the time to learn about it and don't care what it is. What they care about is its volatility and exploiting it for profit, whether we like it or not, believe it or not but what I see is that bitcoin is only seen as a tool to make money. That's why I don't advocate introducing bitcoin into school curricula or teaching bitcoin to young children.

I am not against teaching bitcoin to the youth because they are the future of the world, but we need to introduce it to the right age group as well as have a systematic curriculum so that they do not get caught up in the games make money quickly.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 215
May 30, 2024, 01:22:58 AM
Yes that's right it's good to teach young people about bitcoin but they need to want to learn. If they are not interested they won't understand it well. I also worry about young people investing in bitcoin without knowing what they're doing. Like they have a simple mind set buy the dip and sell in pumping they don't want yo learn the purpose of Bitcoin they just want to trade. That is okay if they are trading but thing is that they must have knowledge about which they are trading. They should learn about money and economics get a steady job and get good advice before investing in bitcoin. This will help them make smart choices and avoid problems.

If we convey this, I am sure that awareness will be born for our young men and women today and what you have conveyed is the essence of what really needs to be done and prepared by them. To trade, of course, at any time it is possible, but they must also know correctly and well, because on the other hand their souls are young and very unstable.

Yes. They should know that too, but should prioritize their main activities first, namely completing their education and finding a decent job, and then along the way to develop, deepen their learning about money and economics and invest in BTC.

hero member
Activity: 938
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I stand with Palestine.
May 30, 2024, 01:04:15 AM
Gaining knowledge about bitcoin is never an issue regardless of their young age, but the problem is if these young guys are actually interested to learn about bitcoin. Because no matter how you push someone to be acquainted and be educated about bitcoin, as long as he is not eager to learn, he will still become clueless in the end.

I don’t have opposition if young guys are exposed to bitcoin, if they will decide to invest, let them be but as much as possible, they should get a job first before risking into any investment. And be properly guided as well before deciding to invest.
Yes that's right it's good to teach young people about bitcoin but they need to want to learn. If they are not interested they won't understand it well. I also worry about young people investing in bitcoin without knowing what they're doing. Like they have a simple mind set buy the dip and sell in pumping they don't want yo learn the purpose of Bitcoin they just want to trade. That is okay if they are trading but thing is that they must have knowledge about which they are trading. They should learn about money and economics get a steady job and get good advice before investing in bitcoin. This will help them make smart choices and avoid problems.
sr. member
Activity: 2436
Merit: 343
May 29, 2024, 11:46:19 PM
Do you think if someone knows about bitcoin and just spends time learning about the technology and how it works without taking advantage of it to make a profit? I don't think anyone can do that, especially young people who always desire to get rich and even have the idea of ​​getting rich quickly.
It’s true that some people are too greedy but I don’t think that that should hinder them from learning about bitcoin still. Greed and impatience can be changed over time with effort and dedication. New knowledge is always helpful if we just learn how to manage and control it.

Besides not a lot of people would be able to invest right away no matter what they try to do due to lack of funds. Still it’s nice to have that knowledge in store.
They want to learn about something for a good purpose and investment plan. It makes no sense to learn things that you never use instead, make it a reason why we should push through.

I hope young age also give a reason to prepare for their future as early as possible and see Bitcoin as one of their opportunities. They are more advanced and more techy individuals which I believe it was not difficult for them to adopt.

Money is not a big problem if we really have to make it happen. Parents could give support if they know their kids have a good plan in their lives.
sr. member
Activity: 1344
Merit: 311
May 29, 2024, 10:23:09 PM
Gaining knowledge about bitcoin is never an issue regardless of their young age, but the problem is if these young guys are actually interested to learn about bitcoin. Because no matter how you push someone to be acquainted and be educated about bitcoin, as long as he is not eager to learn, he will still become clueless in the end.

I don’t have opposition if young guys are exposed to bitcoin, if they will decide to invest, let them be but as much as possible, they should get a job first before risking into any investment. And be properly guided as well before deciding to invest.
It is true that there is nothing wrong with those who learn about Bitcoin, whatever their age, as long as they have the desire and enthusiasm to learn then this will be very useful for them. I agree with you of course they must first be interested in Bitcoin so that what they learn can be useful for themselves. and they can invest for their future, have a job first before starting to invest, of course this is very important because it is impossible to be able to invest well without the income we have, if we are just trying it, of course there must be someone to guide us so that we can can ask questions about investment that we don't yet understand well.
hero member
Activity: 3094
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May 29, 2024, 10:52:59 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general ? I feel it should be taught based on individual personality and not to very young guy. This is because all young guys might not be responsible enough to invest and track with patience at young age. However, those who have the required patience can make very high returns on their investment by investing at an young age. So, which side are you in this aspect ? Do you feel that all young guys should be informed and educated about bitcoin ? 
Below a certain age limit, I think it is generally better not to scrutinize these things, especially those who are primary level students are generally better not to get knowledge about this bitcoin blockchain technology, but if they really want to know, they can but Avoid investing completely. Since children and adolescents have ample study time at primary level and secondary level, this time should be limited to studies and not spent on other activities.
Gaining knowledge about bitcoin is never an issue regardless of their young age, but the problem is if these young guys are actually interested to learn about bitcoin. Because no matter how you push someone to be acquainted and be educated about bitcoin, as long as he is not eager to learn, he will still become clueless in the end.

I don’t have opposition if young guys are exposed to bitcoin, if they will decide to invest, let them be but as much as possible, they should get a job first before risking into any investment. And be properly guided as well before deciding to invest.
full member
Activity: 2590
Merit: 228
May 29, 2024, 06:08:57 AM
Do you think if someone knows about bitcoin and just spends time learning about the technology and how it works without taking advantage of it to make a profit? I don't think anyone can do that, especially young people who always desire to get rich and even have the idea of ​​getting rich quickly.
It’s true that some people are too greedy but I don’t think that that should hinder them from learning about bitcoin still. Greed and impatience can be changed over time with effort and dedication. New knowledge is always helpful if we just learn how to manage and control it.

Besides not a lot of people would be able to invest right away no matter what they try to do due to lack of funds. Still it’s nice to have that knowledge in store.
hero member
Activity: 1974
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Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
May 29, 2024, 05:54:49 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general ? I feel it should be taught based on individual personality and not to very young guy. This is because all young guys might not be responsible enough to invest and track with patience at young age. However, those who have the required patience can make very high returns on their investment by investing at an young age. So, which side are you in this aspect ? Do you feel that all young guys should be informed and educated about bitcoin ? 

Yes, absolutely! Exposure to Bitcoin and how it works is not gonna hurt anyone. Exposure to investing and trading, on the other hand, can be harmful, especially at young age. So, my answer is: yes, all young guys should be informed and educated about Bitcoin the sooner the better, but at the same time please tell them that Bitcoin technology and things like trading and investing are different things entirely.

From what you said, it can be seen that there will be advantages and disadvantages in educating young people about bitcoin. Do you think if someone knows about bitcoin and just spends time learning about the technology and how it works without taking advantage of it to make a profit? I don't think anyone can do that, especially young people who always desire to get rich and even have the idea of ​​getting rich quickly. So exposure and educating young people about bitcoin is not as simple as we think. Like why many newbies to this market mostly lose money, very few newbies can make a profit from investing in bitcoin.

I am not against educating young people about bitcoin, but we need to find effective methods that do not teach them indiscriminately and without strict management.
sr. member
Activity: 1078
Merit: 254
May 29, 2024, 03:27:05 AM
First of all, we need to understand that Bitcoin is a currency just like your local currency. You shouldn’t put it as something that is not like as important as others, and time will come for Bitcoin to do one of the most important currency right now so many people don’t use order currency in the country what I mean using other country currency in the country it’s just only the dollar euro pounds in general the one that is more acceptable is the Doller everywhere in the world but one thing to understand it is acceptable in different areas even country that bans Bitcoin they are still using it try to maneuver using VPN to use bitcoin in the country bitcoin is really really good. We shouldn’t be scared or anything so even in our young age you can use bitcoin very very well. Bitcoin does require any age grade as long as you understand it and how it is being used to me Bitcoin is even more better when you start adding young age you get more understanding and how to come through it by the time you have lost a lot before you start getting  more older you will be a good bitcoin trader
Activity: 3374
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May 29, 2024, 03:04:11 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general ? I feel it should be taught based on individual personality and not to very young guy. This is because all young guys might not be responsible enough to invest and track with patience at young age. However, those who have the required patience can make very high returns on their investment by investing at an young age. So, which side are you in this aspect ? Do you feel that all young guys should be informed and educated about bitcoin ? 

Yes, absolutely! Exposure to Bitcoin and how it works is not gonna hurt anyone. Exposure to investing and trading, on the other hand, can be harmful, especially at young age. So, my answer is: yes, all young guys should be informed and educated about Bitcoin the sooner the better, but at the same time please tell them that Bitcoin technology and things like trading and investing are different things entirely.
hero member
Activity: 1050
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God is great
May 29, 2024, 02:58:08 AM
Do you think that exposure to bitcoin at an young age is a good thing in general ? I feel it should be taught based on individual personality and not to very young guy. This is because all young guys might not be responsible enough to invest and track with patience at young age. However, those who have the required patience can make very high returns on their investment by investing at an young age. So, which side are you in this aspect ? Do you feel that all young guys should be informed and educated about bitcoin ? 
Exposing bitcoin to young people is not a bad idea, it is either some young people will found it interesting or not, and if you noticed that the person found bitcoin to be interesting and willing to learn that is a good sign for you to proceed but when one founds it to be uninteresting it is better to just stop and not to bother to continue.  Bitcoin is a currency and if young people can know about their currency i don't see anything wrong for them to know about Bitcoin.

I only don't fancy when people try to force young people to know about Bitcoin,  I think it is not a good idea because when people don't have interest to know about something it is either they get to learn in the wrong way and bitcoin is a volatile currency which people must be prepared to learn and understand it to take responsibilities of every decision.  The young people we have this days are very smart and have genuine love for new innovation.
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