I confirm that this is a scam.
At first, they let to withdraw a bit
But then it stopped
Here is the support answer:
Bы зaxoдили иcпoльзyя IP cepвepoв cтpaн кoтopым зaпpeщeнo иcпoльзoвaть нaшy биpжy, KYC нyжeн чтoбы мы yбeдилиcь, чтo вы нe являeтecь гpaждaнинoм дaннoй cтpaны
You logged in using the IP servers of countries that are prohibited from using our exchange, KYC is needed so that we make sure that you are not a citizen of this country
This is not true, because every time I logged in, I received a notification with my IP address. There were no banned countries.
They simply stole the deposit.