Some facts and arguments struck me as very curious. I had never really thought about why nowadays the Twitch and Kick platforms have become so full of people streaming online casinos there.
Having little experience playing at online casinos, I can't be sure that everything written in this article is true. What do you think about it?
It's very interesting to hear the opinion of experienced players and people who are versed in this subject.
As far as I know twitch ban those gambling livestream, but I don't know if there's a changes happen there. But those streamers became famous since they put an impression to new gamblers or to those people watching their stream that its easy for them to earn a lot of money thru gambling that's why they create an impression to few people that they became rich just because of gambling they stream. Don't know how that article define but for us watchers maybe we should ignore what those people trying to show us and let just be entertained on them for streaming but if they say something that we need to follow then its better for us to use our brain and never get ourselves got caught up by the any words they say.
We should play according to our will and to the style we develop thru experience since those streamers are doing that activities just for the sake of their own profits.