I do not immediately need the money, so I am more interested in the dividends. Is there an easy way to see how much dividends there are relative to the running investment?
And thanks again for your weird little system. It seems to work fine
Thanks for your trust.
Yes the system works fine,but so far people are not much interested...
I'm even not sure if people have understood the principle.
if I make it too easy...I have no fun,no fun for people...I want not make with my system a simple faucet.
Even if people can use it like a faucet.
If one claims and sell and claims and sell...etc...then it is a simple faucet.
I want trying to be so clear as possible.
If not,please ask about the "not clear".
The purpose for a member is not to be interested only in the dividends,but in maximum profit relative to the work.
The work is the time passed on the site.(time to claim + time to learn which claim is the best.)
You are right about the "interest to know" the dividends.
But we can not know the "future dividends" they depend on how much I can "spend".
All my sites (I do not know how many they are) make profit.
From this profit i estimate how much I allocate to the U2cloudmining system,because I can not know exactly hom much u2 system makes me profit.
A part goes to the "claim base + bonus" balance
A part goes to the dividends in satoshi balance.
A part goes to the dividends in shares balance.
The captcha system is managed asidly...with faucetgame incomes.
At the begining I believed that many investors will invest and claim for free.
Unfortunalely they were inactive and have taken big part for income.(this is normal,but at the other side free investors have earned to little...and stoped claiming.)
It is why now only claiming for free is possible or re-investing.
You have on the "best instant profit" a good over view.
But this over view does not say about the risk.
The risk is that it can take years to see back your investment.
It seems that people are trusting the system because they sell not much...(the more they sell the less the sell bonus is)
People prefer wait for selling...soon or late they will because if the sell bonus is very high...they will.
I'm astonish about the many simple claims...because the bonus is low...
I agree it is not easy to know how much dividends are made.
If you take notes,you can just see that dividends are made...that little dividends are made.
I will try to publish "something" relative to the running investment.
It is not easy because a part of the running investment is almost constantly going to pending payout balance.
A ROI page has been created.
You can follow the "life" of an invested "1.0000000000"
You have just to transpolate for an other amount.
Later I will add more info about the "pending investment life"