To avoid to much words about scam and scamming...from now up it is only possible to claim for free and only to re-invest earned satoshi...
Have fun...
""Destroy bonus earning:771.403309091 satoshi"" it would be interesting to know why VIP shares are not destroyed...
is it strategic or is it because people do not know about this option?
It is prooved that so far people do not use the form on the "best instant earning" page.
1) I don't think those wannebe police bullies will stop calling you a scammer. Some people just call everything a scam, no idea why they are here in the first place.
2) Now there is a VIP destroy bonus of 180.909090909%. If I understand correctly it is just as if I convert a VIP share into a normal share and get also 80,9...% of a share for free. That means just by total value I would be better of by just claiming for free, this changes when the VIP destroy Bonus is higher than 200% plus free claim bonus, right now this is not the case. Of course I also have to consider the risk of very low dividends. OK, I choose trying to accumulate some VIP shares for now. I am going for some dividends.
I feel you do not understand correctly...
If you destroy a VIPshare you convert in a normal share AND get also 180.9% and not 80.9%
You can see what you earn in "satoshi value" on the "best instant earning page".
Bonus is bonus in %
Instant earning is what you earn instantly without "risk consideration".
The minimum risk is a selling...
The maximum risk is a re-investing.
The bonus is set by the claimers...not by the risk...
Destroy bonus is now high.It will decrease if the bonus is used...increase if not...
A VIPshare or a normal share makes the same dividend.
The difference is that a VIp share is not convertable by the system to the next payout balance.
Only you can do this...(destroying VIPshares)
What is the risk?
The risk is that the shares make very little dividends and that they are not converted or sold by the system.
This can happen if the activity fall close to zero.
But all is not dramatic if the activity fall.
If the activity falls...the "claim base" should go up a little...littme by little...
If the "claim base" goes up and will be people will be again interested claiming.
Uninterested old inactive claimers can as well come back and see that they have pending share worth over 10000 satoshi and pending payout.They will then sell.Selling is activity as well...System will then awake...
The system is turning with only 12 active is very few...
If I boost the turn-over without more active claimers...the percentage of profit will be too low...
Claim base:420.98 satoshi
Selling bonus:73.7037037037%
Selling earning:310.43377037 satoshi
Claiming bonus:1.18171021378%
Claiming for free earning:425.954309674 satoshi
Re-invest bonus:94.7619047619%
Re-invest earning:399.129133333 satoshi
VIP bonus:19.702970297%
VIP bonus earning:503.967245545 satoshi
Destroy bonus:180.909090909%
Destroy bonus earning:761.9738 satoshi
Info for system(370):370.444738211%
Bonus regulator:157
We have now an interesting situation.
if you re-invest you earn less instant satoshi than if you claim for free...
So re-investing is only better if you believe that the re-investment's dividends will be higher than the (425.954309674-399.129133333)
We can see that each option is different because it depends on the future as well.
I can only promise you one thing:
It is only a question of time:
If you see 0.3BTC on the accounts and if people only sell,all 0.3BTC + sell bonus will go on people's wallets.
Have fun...