Total value claimed for free:0.00932067 BTC
Total value invested:0.38847809 BTC
Total value pending investment:0.2994522533 BTC
Total value VIP shares:0.00054856 BTC
(total value VIP shares + total value pending investment)=0.3000008133 BTC
Total pending payout:0.0329472998 BTC
Total payout:0.08897819 BTC
Number of claiming:1646 times
Number of selling:26 times.
Number of re-invest:17 times.
Number of VIP claiming:81 times.
Number of VIP destroying:0 times.
Selling bonus:76.1538461538%
Claiming bonus:1.20291616039%
Re-invest bonus:116.470588235%
VIP bonus:24.4444444444%
Destroy bonus:152.307692308%
Info for system (370):370.579487302%
Bonus regulator:210
Number of active members:2016/March/08(worst was:11)(best was:22)
Number of active members:11.(After last update)(worst was:11)(best was:11)
what can we see?
Only 11 active members.
By principle if less active members then the "claim base" goes up.
But if the claim base goes up the dividends goes down.
If the dividends go down...perhaps people will sell more...
If they sell more then the "claim base" will go up...
We can see that we are in a real econnomy.
People who have invested (bought shares or claimed) will have less dividends if the activity fall down...and less turn over.
By principle of the system,it is impossible to lose...but the risk is that it can last very long if the "system" fall asleep.
it will be intersting to see when VIPshareholders will be destroyed ...
By principle so long no long the bonus will go up...