[quote author=mexicantarget
I banned you from all my sites, because you're a 60 year old (this is aimed toward this user, not any seniors. Please keep reading) ( annoying, bitter and self entitled prick (annoying fuck, not prick, but let's not use the word fuck, we're polite).
Everyone was getting annoyed by your whining and crying on faucetgame and I was getting at least 5 emails per week about you and 1 more guy, which I wont mention, but he might have the same fate as you. Then you 2 can unite and make more noise on this forum.
I'll be honest. I'll talk 1 on 1 and I'm not trying to do anything which might make you think that I'm attacking you, or whatever you think. I'll be civilized.
You know the reasons why I banned you, but you kept saying to everyone that I banned you because you said "bye". Come on, seriously? Don't hit that low, man.
Got nothing against the Bible, or any religion, but I find it very stupid from your side, to start talking about god, revelation and religious things, on this forum and using all that stuff against me. I mean, wtf.
liar, why? - I banned you from all my sites, because you're a 60 year old (this is aimed toward this user, not any seniors. Please keep reading) ( annoying, bitter and self entitled prick (annoying fuck, not prick, but let's not use the word fuck, we're polite).
Everyone was getting annoyed by your whining and crying on faucetgame and I was getting at least 5 emails per week about you and 1 more guy, which I wont mention, but he might have the same fate as you. Then you 2 can unite and make more noise on this forum.
mex, everyone? if i had collected all complaints and whinings from FG chat, i can fill a book with this, thicker than the brockhaus dictionary - you're own words prove that i was right.
quote: I don't care man, honestly. You've made a lot of people dislike you with your attitude on FG and that's your own problem, not mine. I was the one who had to cut the communication cord so people stop emailing me about you doing/saying what you did.
You have your own character and you're simply yourself. I see that you're a smart man and that you can use the right words when needed, but let's not play that game.
You call people "fanboys", "idiots", "pussies". (i call them fanboys and pussies, the other is your invention, like always, you lie)
I got no problem with you, nor anyone else. I have problem with people who're attacking me for X or Y reason.
You keep calling my games "worthless", "useless", etc. Come on man, you spent a year on them. You're contradicting yourself, again.
i played around a year, so what, as soon i had spent 13.5 millions for level 21 (from my winnings, what is also like a deposit - remember ponzi, and you profit) you killed the games and made them useless, so what?. have you seen ALL complaints about that fact, that people struggles to win a single satoshi with this nonsense now?
you see? i let your own words speak - you ban because people mail you? rofl, lets make a test -
guys, who is willing to send mex 5 mails a day for 1 year, to see, how many he will ban because they mail him, of course not the guys sent the mail, but someone else, maybe same belief.
sound that not very very sick???
DID YOU KNOW ? that in the last time are mockers and scoffers - you are a excellent example and prove the scriptures right, because it is what you do !! and what i belief, has nothing to do with religions or churches, based on this worldly system.
FACT IS: you ban people, because some haters, like yourself, mail you about the complaints and belief of some others? remember quote - I banned you from all my sites, because you're a 60 year old (this is aimed toward this user, not any seniors. Please keep reading) ( annoying, bitter and self entitled prick (annoying fuck, not prick, but let's not use the word fuck, we're polite).
Everyone was getting annoyed by your whining and crying on faucetgame and I was getting at least 5 emails per week about you and 1 more guy, which I wont mention, but he might have the same fate as you. Then you 2 can unite and make more noise on this forum.
you're own words - not mine
you guys see, there was never a fair chance from the beginning
here comes his avatar from rainpool chat
and his insane lie again on BF
look what the cia director says
this guy has a 23. sept psychologic syndrome
so so, i'm mentally ill for warning people what is true, istead of your lie about the end of the world over and over again
guys, now you know, think every single one for himself.