is fake is a normale monerocoin/quazarcoin pool
infact Also this fucking Minerc
is a fake
you are not
mining together two cryptocurrency
but only one Monero or quazar
just look at the code Minerc
to understand that the only currency that were mining
is the first to enter
std::cout << "Mining (height=" << m_block2.height
<< ", diff=" << m_block2.difficulty
<< " | donor: height=" << m_block1.height
<< ", diff=" << m_block1.difficulty << ")"
<< std::endl;
crypto::hash hash;
if (m_miner.findNonce(m_block1.block, m_block1.height, std::min(m_block1.difficulty, m_block2.difficulty), threads, hash)) {
if (cryptonote::check_hash(hash, m_block1.difficulty)) {
if (submitBlock(m_block1.block, address1, m_httpClient1)) {
std::cout << "Submitted block to donor network at height " << m_block1.height << " diff " << m_block1.difficulty << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to submit block to donor network" << std::endl;
if (!m_legacy2) {
if (cryptonote::check_hash(hash, m_block2.difficulty)) {
if (!mergeBlocks()) {
std::cout << "Internal error" << std::endl;
return false;
if (submitBlock(m_block2.block, address2, m_httpClient2)) {
std::cout << "Submitted block at height " << m_block2.height << " diff " << m_block2.difficulty << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to submit block" << std::endl;
the second is not taken into consideration
and the first can not be fantomcoin
only if you find a block in the first
then the program
trying to give it a try with the second
then it is useless
if you use Minerc waste time
why you should
go to a pool or Monero quazar
if you want to mine fantomcoin then use only
the wallet "fantomcoind"