Would it be possible to put the source code for this under GPL and put it on feathercoin.com ? Together with a block explorer. So that everything is in one place.
For most of the other alt coins you have to go to several places to get this info - Feathercoin could stand out with everything in one place. Nice and tidy.
The plan is to bring it together under feathercoin.com. I am hoping to get most of the tools I have used for other coins on one site for FeatherCoin.
I really like what benhohner.com has done. Very nice look&feel.
It would be great if he could have some influence on feathercoin.com.
I agree, I think it's a beautifully clean and simple looking site which looks very professional. I would love him to have an impact on feathercoin.com
For people reading this here is a link to his site: http://benhohner.com/feathercoin/statistics.php
+1 !
Very nice site! I'm glad to see many projects developing around feathercoin.
I agree we need simple and clean interfaces, interest toward feathercoin is growing and it's useful to have informations gathered in one place. Good job!