Hrmm, well I've got cgminer running on the new pool @ and getting accepted shares left right and centre.
Worrying however is I'm getting a fair number of hardware errors and I'm not pushing my card that hard, certainly not as hard as I have. Unless I've suddenly buggered it.. Now that would fit in with the day I'm having aha.. *touches wood*
I can push the card to 370+- Kh/s with an intensity of 16-17 on ltc, but it's struggling at 320Kh/s on 11, atm. I'm just hoping that means that it's failing with so many quick hashs.. or .. yeah I have no idea what I'm talking about.. the voodoo is working but the spells don't make sense.
What intensity should it be for a hd5850 sapphire / andor clock/core speeds? 915/1100 works fine for ltc, and 930/400 works fine for btc... any lower on the memory and I get a skyshow in my monitor.
But the main thing is, on the pool website, I am not seeing anything change for my worker - it's hash rate is there, the pool stats, block stats are changing, but I'm not seeing anything from the rounds I assume I'm participating in.
Your Current Hashrate
360 KH/s
Paid Shares [All submitted shares from previous rounds which are already accounted and paid for.]
Your Valid: 0
Invalid: 0
Unpaid Shares [Submitted shares between the last 120 confirms block until now.]
Your Valid: 1531
Pool Valid: 153332
Round Shares [Submitted shares since last found block (ie. round shares)]
Pool Valid: 10331
Round Estimate
1.97700406 FTC
Account Balance
am I just missing something, or is something missing... someone throw me an intelligence potion please..