4 questions :
1/ I'm using the "linux qt wallet", compiled from source from here :
https://github.com/fibre-team/fibre-publicBut since the announce of zero trust, I didn't see any change to this project. Does it mean that the sources provided at this address aren't the same as the ones used to deliver all the "zero trust stuff" ?
2/ I investigated for more than an hour now, and I cannot find how I can send a message using FibreConnect because I don't have it !
I thaught it was part of the QT wallet ! So MUST I use FibreOS to be able to use FibreConnect ?
3/ I can't find any howto to properly install and use FibreOS if I'm already running linux... I found I should use kvm, but I don't know how at all.
Any wiki
4/ Why aren't the FibreOS sources available on Github or anywhere else so I can checksum them ? Delivering them via mega without any possibility to check if they're corrupted isn't very secure, IMO...
Thanks !
1. ZeroTrust code is closed source until code improvements are in place after beta and security audits commence later. Yes the source doesn`t include ZeroTrust code
2. To use FibreConnect, wallet needs to be unlocked at least for staking , then hit FibreConnect button, click on start conversation and paste recipient`s address
3. FibreOS is portable system intructions to use it from usb here
http://www.fibrecoin.com/news/fibreos-v1-0-officially-released/ You can rename the iso to img and run it in your kvm , admin password is Fibreos
4.Link to FibreOS is available on website
http://www.fibrecoin.com/getstarted/ Yes next releases will have checksums included