
Topic: First bitcoin related suicide? - page 6. (Read 12018 times)

sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
January 29, 2014, 02:27:06 AM
So uninformed. Here: If you'd like, I can pull a few scholarly articles but I have the sense that you wouldn't have the sense to understand it. I'm sure wikipedia has this info too.

Please STFU with your nonsense opinions bully.

From your own article
Most people who commit suicide don't want to die—they just want to stop hurting.

He never really wanted death.
He is just being a whiny little b.
Everybody has a lot of hardship, OP needs to just deal with it.

Lastly I'm ignoring you, I resent being called a bully.

Of course most don't WANT to commit suicide idiot, they just feel as if it's the only way out, relief. Like I said, you wouldn't comprehend, no surprise.

And please ignore me. Hopefully I won't have to endure reading the trash that you put out.

LOOK everyone!!! I'm being ignored by someone who can't take what they dish out! Boo hoo!

A bully who feels he has the need to put people down when they're already feeling down.

You know 7Priest7... this says a lot about your character.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
January 29, 2014, 12:41:50 AM

If he made 80 BTC day trading I feel no sympathy for the OP,
day trading is against the ideals of BTC, and his 80 BTC loss was karma taking back what's hers.

EDIT: I would feel no sympathy/sadness/empathy for any individual who chose suicide due to monetary/greed reasons.
I have seen/given money to homeless people who seemed happy.
A person can survive with a lot less than people think.

Do you have no heart man? No heart at all? I was in line the other day at In-N-Out getting myself a delicious burger. I was waiting 14 cars deep. I was there 45 minutes in the line. I was bored and tired and not hungry after all of that. But I knew my wife would still want a burger so I proceeded to wait. When I pulled up to the window I asked how much and they said it was free! So ... why? Why free? They said the person in front of me paid for my bill. WOW. It was a revelation moment that there is some little bit of good in the world. So I paid it forward by paying the persons bill in the car behind me. I hope it kept going after that. Talk about awesome!

Next time youre in line someplace... just f**king randomly pay for the person behind you. See how the world reacts. Thing about positive thoughts always. If you are not into paying the guy behind you.... do it with a $10 dollar bill. Hold it in your hands, think about the world and the universe and ask the universe how you can help out with that little $10. Think about it all day. The universe will answer back to you, I promise. It might be an old lady without a home needing a meal, or a man on the side of the road who needs $10 for gasoline, or even a woman who gives kisses for $10. Ha! It could be anything, but it will be something and you will feel connected to everyone including me and Chris and Gareth and Dev.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
January 29, 2014, 12:39:54 AM
So uninformed. Here: If you'd like, I can pull a few scholarly articles but I have the sense that you wouldn't have the sense to understand it. I'm sure wikipedia has this info too.

Please STFU with your nonsense opinions bully.

From your own article
Most people who commit suicide don't want to die—they just want to stop hurting.

He never really wanted death.
He is just being a whiny little b.
Everybody has a lot of hardship, OP needs to just deal with it.

Lastly I'm ignoring you, I resent being called a bully.

Activity: 32
Merit: 0
January 29, 2014, 12:32:28 AM
You can always find things around you worth living for.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
January 29, 2014, 12:31:59 AM
Sorry to digress, just in short, as you've said, rather than ridiculing and bullying, we should have done more as community to ensure that we did everything possible to assist the OP.

That is nonsense, people who commit suicide rarely tell others they are going to.

Telling others you are going to commit suicide before doing it,
is like calling the bank and letting em know you are coming to rob them.

Saying "I'm going to commit suicide." is the same as "Please give me attention, I feel my life is somehow bad."

If he made 80 BTC day trading I feel no sympathy for the OP,
day trading is against the ideals of BTC, and his 80 BTC loss was karma taking back what's hers.

So uninformed. Here: If you'd like, I can pull a few scholarly articles but I have the sense that you wouldn't have the sense to understand it. I'm sure wikipedia has this info too.

Please STFU with your nonsense opinions bully.

sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
January 29, 2014, 12:26:22 AM
man just call 911 and get the police to take you to a psych ward for suicide watch then claim disability and get SSI because you hear voices in your head telling you to kill yourself.

Unfortunately the emergency services tend to be quite useless with people merely feeling suicidal - they MIGHT respond well to an actual attempt, but for mere suicidal ideation (the medical term for "thinking about suicide and thinking it's a good idea") you're better off going straight to a psych.

Not to mention most people who are suicidal do not have "voices in their head" but rather a severe lack of serotonin triggered through a random biochemical glitch or from a life event - or for the truly unlucky both (for example, someone with bipolar who has a bad life event).

The nasty part about depression is it hijacks self-esteem and makes the victim believe that nobody will care (it's a common pattern to see people claim they're doing their friends and family a favour by removing themselves from the situation), when in reality most people have SOMEONE who does care and would be hurt - which is why the best approach is always to encourage people who talk about suicide to talk to their friends and family in person.

Of course some threats are just attention seeking or even plain old trolling, but from personal experience it's best to assume the threat is real and encourage people to seek help - i'd rather be fooled by a few trolls than see someone die who could have been saved, especially as i've had friends who took their own life after people thought they were joking.

You sir are 100% INCORRECT!!! Law Enforcement WILL respond to situation like this. It's amazing that this thread went 5 pages and no one bothered to mention that maybe, just maybe, they should ask the Mod to notify ANY law enforcement agency (even anonymously by friggin email). All the Mod would have to do is obtain his IP, Google its location and anonymously send an email containing his post and his IP to the local police. If the IP is valid and not a proxy, Law Enforcement  would be able to obtain the posters address expeditiously without a warrant because it would be considered "Exigent Circumstances" and negate the need for warrant - at least if it's in the US. I can't speak for any other country.

I did my part and notified the Mod --"report to Mod". It's now in the hands of BitcoinTalk since I can't obtain the poster's IP myself.

Maybe I'm over reacting, but it's outrageous that someone would be posting information about things that they truly aren't knowledgeable about rather than attempting to actually do something about the situation to help the individual. Maybe he's just a scammer trying to get free coins with a sob story, which is more likely the case, but what if he's not.

You're right, perhaps. I was one of the first to respond and advised OP to seek help away from this forum. It didn't dawn on me that this could've been the warning before the bang. I usually don't miss much, but it was 4am. Even so, there's no way we could predict the outcome. What if we got the mods involved (they probably wouldn't anyways) in this situation, send LE to his home (or place of work), when all he was feeling was a little down and wanted to spark conversation? LE's doing an incident report (he'd never know), but this reference would follow him forever.

Most of the responders tried to offer reassuring words of encouragement; and for most, that's as far as it goes... it is the internet after all. What I found sickening were all the people who automatically thought this was a scam or tried to bully him into moving forward with it. Yet another reason why we heart the bitcoin community.

I can't say either way whether this poster is scamming or not. But what if he isn't. Our concern as a community shouldn't be that he'll have an "incident report" to follow him around. Our primary concern should be that someone went to his door and asked if he was okay and wanted to speak in person. The "incident report" actually WOULD NOT follow him around, since he's not committing any crime. In NYC, the "incident report" is known as an "Aided Card". One would be prepared if you fell and broke your arm on the sidewalk or as in the case of the OP, if you had suicidal thoughts. He's not committing any crime and therefore would not be treated, categorized or reported as a criminal. And the Aided Card is not public information, yes like most other documents that the government possesses it can be FOIL-ed, but you'd have to already know that the incident took place and you'd have to have some really specific information (name, dob, address, etc) to even attempt to obtain a copy of it. And if you already knew that why would you FOIL it.

Sorry to digress, just in short, as you've said, rather than ridiculing and bullying, we should have done more as community to ensure that we did everything possible to assist the OP.

No need to apologize... it's still informative nonetheless Smiley It's no one concern that OP would have a report (no matter what it's called) follow him around, it was an attempt to show you that sometimes the right thing to do isn't always the right thing to do in some cases. Just because a report was written about you doesn't make you a criminal. There's no crime in thinking or attempting to take your life, but it is a crime (literally) against society if you succeed. For further thought, not necessarily discussion....

Should we begin making inquiries like this when we see these types of comments pasted on boards on the internet? Would about the youtube comments, or CNN? At what point do you use better judgement to determine whether someone is serious or not? Actually I'm not sure I had to go there because it's pretty evident that's something most in this community lack.

And about the report following one around... they do. I take it you've never had a serious inquiry into your background before - believe me, they find everything! Not that it's a real baddie... but what if he didn't want 'they' to know he engages in bitcoin activities?

Again, I actually agree with your position, just trying to give a different perspective is all.

OP, so sorry for high jacking your thread. But at least you know there are those of us who care Smiley  
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Jesus Christ Saves Sinners
January 29, 2014, 12:25:49 AM

Luke 15:11-32

New International Version (NIV)
The Parable of the Lost Son

11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.

13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.

17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.

25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’

28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’

31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.
32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
January 29, 2014, 12:22:14 AM
Sorry to digress, just in short, as you've said, rather than ridiculing and bullying, we should have done more as community to ensure that we did everything possible to assist the OP.

That is nonsense, people who commit suicide rarely tell others they are going to.

Telling others you are going to commit suicide before doing it,
is like calling the bank and letting em know you are coming to rob them.

Saying "I'm going to commit suicide." is the same as "Please give me attention, I feel my life is somehow bad."

If he made 80 BTC day trading I feel no sympathy for the OP,
day trading is against the ideals of BTC, and his 80 BTC loss was karma taking back what's hers.

EDIT: I would feel no sympathy/sadness/empathy for any individual who chose suicide due to monetary/greed reasons.
I have seen/given money to homeless people who seemed happy.
A person can survive with a lot less than people think.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
January 28, 2014, 11:39:24 PM
man just call 911 and get the police to take you to a psych ward for suicide watch then claim disability and get SSI because you hear voices in your head telling you to kill yourself.

Unfortunately the emergency services tend to be quite useless with people merely feeling suicidal - they MIGHT respond well to an actual attempt, but for mere suicidal ideation (the medical term for "thinking about suicide and thinking it's a good idea") you're better off going straight to a psych.

Not to mention most people who are suicidal do not have "voices in their head" but rather a severe lack of serotonin triggered through a random biochemical glitch or from a life event - or for the truly unlucky both (for example, someone with bipolar who has a bad life event).

The nasty part about depression is it hijacks self-esteem and makes the victim believe that nobody will care (it's a common pattern to see people claim they're doing their friends and family a favour by removing themselves from the situation), when in reality most people have SOMEONE who does care and would be hurt - which is why the best approach is always to encourage people who talk about suicide to talk to their friends and family in person.

Of course some threats are just attention seeking or even plain old trolling, but from personal experience it's best to assume the threat is real and encourage people to seek help - i'd rather be fooled by a few trolls than see someone die who could have been saved, especially as i've had friends who took their own life after people thought they were joking.

You sir are 100% INCORRECT!!! Law Enforcement WILL respond to situation like this. It's amazing that this thread went 5 pages and no one bothered to mention that maybe, just maybe, they should ask the Mod to notify ANY law enforcement agency (even anonymously by friggin email). All the Mod would have to do is obtain his IP, Google its location and anonymously send an email containing his post and his IP to the local police. If the IP is valid and not a proxy, Law Enforcement  would be able to obtain the posters address expeditiously without a warrant because it would be considered "Exigent Circumstances" and negate the need for warrant - at least if it's in the US. I can't speak for any other country.

I did my part and notified the Mod --"report to Mod". It's now in the hands of BitcoinTalk since I can't obtain the poster's IP myself.

Maybe I'm over reacting, but it's outrageous that someone would be posting information about things that they truly aren't knowledgeable about rather than attempting to actually do something about the situation to help the individual. Maybe he's just a scammer trying to get free coins with a sob story, which is more likely the case, but what if he's not.

You're right, perhaps. I was one of the first to respond and advised OP to seek help away from this forum. It didn't dawn on me that this could've been the warning before the bang. I usually don't miss much, but it was 4am. Even so, there's no way we could predict the outcome. What if we got the mods involved (they probably wouldn't anyways) in this situation, send LE to his home (or place of work), when all he was feeling was a little down and wanted to spark conversation? LE's doing an incident report (he'd never know), but this reference would follow him forever.

Most of the responders tried to offer reassuring words of encouragement; and for most, that's as far as it goes... it is the internet after all. What I found sickening were all the people who automatically thought this was a scam or tried to bully him into moving forward with it. Yet another reason why we heart the bitcoin community.

I can't say either way whether this poster is scamming or not. But what if he isn't. Our concern as a community shouldn't be that he'll have an "incident report" to follow him around. Our primary concern should be that someone went to his door and asked if he was okay and wanted to speak in person. The "incident report" actually WOULD NOT follow him around, since he's not committing any crime. In NYC, the "incident report" is known as an "Aided Card". One would be prepared if you fell and broke your arm on the sidewalk or as in the case of the OP, if you had suicidal thoughts. He's not committing any crime and therefore would not be treated, categorized or reported as a criminal. And the Aided Card is not public information, yes like most other documents that the government possesses it can be FOIL-ed, but you'd have to already know that the incident took place and you'd have to have some really specific information (name, dob, address, etc) to even attempt to obtain a copy of it. And if you already knew that why would you FOIL it.

Sorry to digress, just in short, as you've said, rather than ridiculing and bullying, we should have done more as community to ensure that we did everything possible to assist the OP.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
January 28, 2014, 11:35:05 PM
We were all suicidal at one point or another.
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
January 28, 2014, 11:25:57 PM
That would be pretty crazy if you did that man. I hope you don't and I don't even know you. Shocked Huh
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
January 28, 2014, 11:16:11 PM
man just call 911 and get the police to take you to a psych ward for suicide watch then claim disability and get SSI because you hear voices in your head telling you to kill yourself.

Unfortunately the emergency services tend to be quite useless with people merely feeling suicidal - they MIGHT respond well to an actual attempt, but for mere suicidal ideation (the medical term for "thinking about suicide and thinking it's a good idea") you're better off going straight to a psych.

Not to mention most people who are suicidal do not have "voices in their head" but rather a severe lack of serotonin triggered through a random biochemical glitch or from a life event - or for the truly unlucky both (for example, someone with bipolar who has a bad life event).

The nasty part about depression is it hijacks self-esteem and makes the victim believe that nobody will care (it's a common pattern to see people claim they're doing their friends and family a favour by removing themselves from the situation), when in reality most people have SOMEONE who does care and would be hurt - which is why the best approach is always to encourage people who talk about suicide to talk to their friends and family in person.

Of course some threats are just attention seeking or even plain old trolling, but from personal experience it's best to assume the threat is real and encourage people to seek help - i'd rather be fooled by a few trolls than see someone die who could have been saved, especially as i've had friends who took their own life after people thought they were joking.

You sir are 100% INCORRECT!!! Law Enforcement WILL respond to situation like this. It's amazing that this thread went 5 pages and no one bothered to mention that maybe, just maybe, they should ask the Mod to notify ANY law enforcement agency (even anonymously by friggin email). All the Mod would have to do is obtain his IP, Google its location and anonymously send an email containing his post and his IP to the local police. If the IP is valid and not a proxy, Law Enforcement  would be able to obtain the posters address expeditiously without a warrant because it would be considered "Exigent Circumstances" and negate the need for warrant - at least if it's in the US. I can't speak for any other country.

I did my part and notified the Mod --"report to Mod". It's now in the hands of BitcoinTalk since I can't obtain the poster's IP myself.

Maybe I'm over reacting, but it's outrageous that someone would be posting information about things that they truly aren't knowledgeable about rather than attempting to actually do something about the situation to help the individual. Maybe he's just a scammer trying to get free coins with a sob story, which is more likely the case, but what if he's not.

You're right, perhaps. I was one of the first to respond and advised OP to seek help away from this forum. It didn't dawn on me that this could've been the warning before the bang. I usually don't miss much, but it was 4am. Even so, there's no way we could predict the outcome. What if we got the mods involved (they probably wouldn't anyways) in this situation, send LE to his home (or place of work), when all he was feeling was a little down and wanted to spark conversation? LE's doing an incident report (he'd never know), but this reference would follow him forever.

Most of the responders tried to offer reassuring words of encouragement; and for most, that's as far as it goes... it is the internet after all. What I found sickening were all the people who automatically thought this was a scam or tried to bully him into moving forward with it. Yet another reason why we heart the bitcoin community.
full member
Activity: 214
Merit: 100
January 28, 2014, 11:15:46 PM
Had over 400 LTC stolen I was pissed for a while so I can sympathize with you. Keep your head up.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
January 28, 2014, 11:02:04 PM
man just call 911 and get the police to take you to a psych ward for suicide watch then claim disability and get SSI because you hear voices in your head telling you to kill yourself.

Unfortunately the emergency services tend to be quite useless with people merely feeling suicidal - they MIGHT respond well to an actual attempt, but for mere suicidal ideation (the medical term for "thinking about suicide and thinking it's a good idea") you're better off going straight to a psych.

Not to mention most people who are suicidal do not have "voices in their head" but rather a severe lack of serotonin triggered through a random biochemical glitch or from a life event - or for the truly unlucky both (for example, someone with bipolar who has a bad life event).

The nasty part about depression is it hijacks self-esteem and makes the victim believe that nobody will care (it's a common pattern to see people claim they're doing their friends and family a favour by removing themselves from the situation), when in reality most people have SOMEONE who does care and would be hurt - which is why the best approach is always to encourage people who talk about suicide to talk to their friends and family in person.

Of course some threats are just attention seeking or even plain old trolling, but from personal experience it's best to assume the threat is real and encourage people to seek help - i'd rather be fooled by a few trolls than see someone die who could have been saved, especially as i've had friends who took their own life after people thought they were joking.

You sir are 100% INCORRECT!!! Law Enforcement WILL respond to situation like this. It's amazing that this thread went 5 pages and no one bothered to mention that maybe, just maybe, they should ask the Mod to notify ANY law enforcement agency (even anonymously by friggin email). All the Mod would have to do is obtain his IP, Google its location and anonymously send an email containing his post and his IP to the local police. If the IP is valid and not a proxy, Law Enforcement  would be able to obtain the posters address expeditiously without a warrant because it would be considered "Exigent Circumstances" and negate the need for warrant - at least if it's in the US. I can't speak for any other country. And before anyone starts with the b.s. about snitching. This isn't about a dime bag or other nonsense. Someone made a post that in substance said that they wanted to kill themself. ---- if his initial post is legit, your intention is to save his life.

I did my part and notified the Mod --"report to Mod". It's now in the hands of BitcoinTalk since I can't obtain the poster's IP myself.

Maybe I'm over reacting, but it's outrageous that someone would be posting information about things that they truly aren't knowledgeable about rather than attempting to actually do something about the situation to help the individual. Maybe he's just a scammer trying to get free coins with a sob story, which is more likely the case, but what if he's not.
full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 116
Worlds Simplest Cryptocurrency Wallet
January 28, 2014, 10:54:49 PM
This thread for real or just a cleaver way to get Bitcoins from strangers? I thought I'd seen it all..
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Knowledge is Power
January 28, 2014, 10:45:38 PM
Oh man. I'm so glad I found this post. I just lost the majority of my coins that I was going to use to pay for last 2 years of university. And I lost them in the stupidest way possible - by gambling on a bitcoin dice site. It was only about 6 bitcoins but that along with student loan was just enough to get me by. I feel like a fucking moron.

But for OP it's much worse...I don't know what to tell you man, except to try and channel your anger and frustration into changing your life for the better and pushing yourself to rise above this loss.

hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
January 28, 2014, 10:18:56 PM
I appreciate the support! I received some donations from a couple members, and although I am trying to stay away from bitcoin to clear my head, I felt they needed to know how much I appreciate it! It shows the love throughout the forums between our members.

I was using my bitcoin profits to pay for college but I  was unable to pay for this semester, and hopefully I can find work to continue  school in the summer. So my focus will remain on that and off my losses. The bad part was that I was addicted to these forums and addicted to Bitcoin, so it isn't easy.

But thanks for all the support. Hopefully I'll "survive" through this and be back on the forums with you guys soon!

Good to hear that Cheesy
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1004
January 28, 2014, 10:15:52 PM
Glad you're okay man!
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 503
January 28, 2014, 09:59:26 PM
Suicide is never the answer.  Remember all the people you will hurt in the process.

My roommate hung himself over 11 years ago and I found him.  I can never get that image out of my head.

Just think of all the things that you will never be able to do again and get joy out of.
hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 500
January 28, 2014, 09:56:17 PM
Praying for you man.

~Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Belief in God/Heaven and Jesus just encourages suicide.
Don't encourage him.

Seeing the fibonacci sequence in nature helps me realize we were created by intelligent design. From flowers, sea shells, spider webs, oak trees, pinecones, pineapples, all the way to galaxies. AWESOME!

Yep! I like you (:

I like you all, and I know what you are talking about.

I think that, perhaps everyone will, in time.

It is generally futile to speak about things ineffable to those who haven't the ears to hear them.

The Universe is unfolding as it should; there is not a grain of sand out of place!
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