Collateral To Be Provided: 9999.99 CVC ( @130% of loan amount requested.
Proposed Repayment Date: 07.10.17
Reason For Loan: Trading
BTC Address:186RTTtFFS9wqWV2392sU7wArdxrbhKFtY
You have PM'd me with two different amounts that you require which isn't a good sign, plus I specifically ask you not to PM so you have not read the post properly. There is no proof that the address belongs to you that holds the collateral either.
Thanks for the interest.
Collateral To Be Provided:This account/reddit account/Twitter account
Proposed Repayment Date:9-8-17
Reason For Loan: Paypal went negative after getting chargeback from shoes I sold on twitter, soon as i sell this supreme backpack I will be able to repay easily, paypal account just limited right now.
BTC Address:1J1HnHpKFDCfDUW66dZnFJ4A6GCwWiSztm
Your forum account is valid collateral but is not worth anywhere near the requested amount. Your Reddit and Twitter accounts are invalid as they are easily recovered! For that reason I have denied.
Many thanks.