^^^ The math involved in describing and calculating the optics is actually complex and the sources due to being flat earth conspiracy related are few. The only place currently available is from art books.
This is just more gaslighting, he knows the math describing the optics is complex.
What a bunch of shit to say I don't know. Let me remind you of something.
''if you zoom in you will bring back the boat in full view'' You said that, now you are claiming that even on a flat earth, more than 80% of a traffic light is hidden by ''perspective''. Do you think you would bring back the whole thing with a powerful zoom? You are a paid shill and proven wrong again.
Paid shill? Go fuck yourself you lying cunt.
If a boat disappears due to going out of sight from convergence as is the case when viewing a ship with the naked eye standing on the beach, then yes a zoom lens will bring it back into view.
If you cherrypick a situation where the viewers perspective is less than a foot off the ground like in the PhD curve test video or, the picture of man walking away on the football field taken by a camera on the ground then no, the object being viewed is physically obscured and no amount of zoom will bring it back into view.
Suck off a shotgun you intellectually dishonest twat.